Remove the burner screw, and move the burner diagonally to access the injector at the rear
bottom of the muffle oven (Figure 11).
Unscrew the injectors. For this, use a 7mm spanner. Install the new injectors in accordance with
the type of gas used, as shown on the technical data table. Be careful to tighten straight the new
injectors, because if you mount them sideways, you will damage the thread of the rack and the
rack will need to be changed (and it will not be in guarantee extent).
Adjusting the flame to minimum on the valve
The flame length at minimum position is adjusted with a flat screw located on the valve. For valves
with thermocouple, the screw is located on the side of the valve spindle (Figure 12).
To determine the min. position, ignite the burners one after another and set them at minimum
position. With the help of a small screwdriver fasten or loosen the by pass screw around 90
degrees. When the flame has a length of at least 4mm, the adjustment is correct. For control, make
sure that the flame does not die out when passing from the maximum position to the minimum
position. Create an artificial wind with your hand toward the flame to see if the flames are stable.
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Bypass screw
Valve with thermocouple