6.5 Protocols Folder
The Protocols folder displays the types of protocols that may be enabled for a Unity card to communicate
with management systems such as BMS, NOC, and so on. Not all protocols are available at the same time,
for example: Modbus RTU and BACnet MSTP cannot be used at the same time because there is one RS-
485 port used for the output protocol. The card allows two third-party protocols to be enabled.
NOTE: To enable and configure the Vertiv™ Velocity protocol, see
Settings in each of the subfolders configure the selected protocols:
BACnet, See:
Modbus, see:
SNMP, see:
YDN23, see
6.5.1 BACnet Folder
BACnet Settings
Managed Device Write Access
Enable or Disable the BACnet server to write to the managed device.
BACnet Interface
BACnet server interface: BACnet IP or BACnet MSTP.
Device Object Instance Number
The instance number (0-4194302) of the BACnet server's device object.
Device Object Name
The name of the BACnet server's device object.
APDU Timeout
The timeout in milliseconds between APDU retries (1-65535).
APDU Retries
The number of times to retransmit an APDU after the initial attempt (0-8).
6 Editing the Unity Card Configuration