Remote Services Diagnostics
Remote-service Diagnostic Settings
Communication Status
Results of the most-recent transaction.
Communication Error Count
Number of communication errors since reboot.
Last communications error
Most-recent communication error message since reboot with date and time stamp.
Monitored Device Rule File Information
Details about the remote-service rule file in effect for the monitored device.
Remote Services Operating Status
Status of the remote service.
Managed Device Status
Status of managed device's communication with the card.
6.4.8 Velocity Protocol Folder
Velocity Protocol contains four sub-folders: Managed Device, MSTP, Ethernet and Internal. Velocity is the
input protocol from a managed/monitored system.
NOTE: With the exception of changing the node ID when multiple cards are used or when disabling
Velocity-Protocol IP access, the settings in the Velocity Protocol sub-folders should not be modified
unless directed by a Vertiv™ representative.
NOTE: Liebert® Nform™ requires that IP access to Velocity be enabled.
Velocity Protocol options
Velocity Protocol IP Access
When disabled, prevents access from a remote, IP-based system using the Velocity Protocol. Default
= Disabled.
6 Editing the Unity Card Configuration