BACnet IP Folder
BACnet IP Settings
BACnet IP Port Number
The port for the BACnet server's UDP/IP connection.
Register as Foreign Device
Enable or Disable registration as a foreign device.
IP Address of BBMD
IP Address of the BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) to be accessed for Foreign Device
Foreign Device Time-to Live
Time to remain in the BBMD Foreign Device table after registration.
BACnet MSTP Folder
BACnet MSTP Settings
Node ID
The BACnet server’s MS/TP node ID (MAC). Must be unique for each node on the communication
Data Rate
The BACnet MSTP communication rate (bits per second).
Max Master Address
The maximum node ID (MAC) in use on the MS/TP network.
Max Info Frames
Maximum number of information frames this node may send before it must pass the token.
6.5.2 Modbus Folder
Modbus Settings
Managed Device Write Access
Enable or Disable the Modbus server to write to the managed device
Modbus Interface
Select the Modbus interface, either Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU
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