1975 Non-Catalytic / Catalytic Woodburning Stove
SaFeTy NoTice: iF yoUR DeFiaNT iS NoT pRop-
eRly iNSTalleD, a hoUSe FiRe May ReSUlT.
To ReDUce The RiSk oF FiRe, Follow The
iNSTallaTioN iNSTRUcTioNS. coNTacT local
bUilDiNg oR FiRe oFFicialS aboUT ReSTRic-
TioNS aND iNSTallaTioN iNSpecTioN ReqUiRe-
MeNTS iN yoUR aRea.
Before you begin an installation, be sure that:
Your stove and chimney connector will be far
enough from combustible material to meet all clear-
ance requirements.
The floor protector is large enough and is construct-
ed properly to meet all requirements.
You have all necessary permits from local authori-
Your local building official is the final authority for ap-
proving your installation as safe and determining that it
meets local and state codes.
The metal label permanently attached to the back of
every Vermont Castings’ stove indicates that the stove
has been tested to current UL and ULC standards, and
gives the name of the testing laboratory. Clearance
and installation information also is printed on the label.
When the stove is installed according to the information
both on the label and in this manual, local authorities
usually will accept the label as evidence that the instal-
lation meets codes and can be approved.
However, codes vary in different areas. Before starting
the installation, review your plans with the local building
authority. Your local dealer can provide any additional
information needed.
For any unresolved installation issues, refer to the
National Fire Protection Association’s publication
ANSI/NFPA 211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces,
Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances. For Canada,
the equivalent publication is CSA CAN-B365 Installation
Code for Solid Fuel Burning Appliances and Equipment.
These standards are the basis for many national codes.
They are nationally recognized and are accepted by
most local authorities. Your local dealer or your local
building official may have a copy of these regulations.
iMpoRTaNT: Failure to follow these installation
instructions may result in a dangerous situation, in-
cluding a chimney or house fire. Follow all instruc-
tions exactly, and do not allow makeshift compro-
mises to endanger property and personal safety.
outside air
In some modern, super-insulated homes, there may be
inadequate air supply for combustion because of insuf-
ficient air infiltration into the building. Such air enters a
home through unsealed cracks and openings. Exhaust
fans in kitchens or bathrooms can compete with the
stove for available air and compound the problem.
When poor draft is caused by a low infiltration rate,
opening a ground floor window on the windward side of
the house and near the stove will usually alleviate the
A better solution is to install a permanent outside air
supply to the stove and/or room. In fact, bringing air
for combustion from outside the home directly to the
air inlet of the stove is required for new construction in
some areas.
Pressure variations within the house do not affect a
stove equipped with an outside air supply, and im-
proved stove performance often results. An Outside Air
Kit for the Defiant is available from your local dealer.
chimney height
Altitude affects chimney performance. When using an
8” oval to 6” flue collar adapter on the Defiant, refer
to Figure 1 for suggested chimney heights at various
altitudes. Chimney height should be measured from the
flue collar to the top of the chimney. The recommended
minimum chimney height is 16’ (5 m).
Fig. 2
Chimney height requirements with 6” chimney and/or
chimney connector.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
chimney height
11/2/00 djt