Sports XL Operation Manual
Information regarding Electromagnetic
Compatibility and Interference (EMC)
products are designed to produce very low levels of radio
frequency (RF) emissions (interference), to be immune from e
ects of
interference produced by other equipment operating in their vicinity
and damage due to electrostatic discharge all when operating in a
typical domestic and or clinical environment. They are certi
ed to meet
the international EMC standard EN60601-1-2. For more information
please refer to the tables 201, 202, 204 and 206.
Table 201: Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration
- electromagnetic emission
The NeuroTrac
product is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment
specifi ed below. The customer or the user of the NeuroTrac
product should
ensure that it is used in such environment
Emission test
Compliance Electromagnetic environment guidance
RF emission
Group 1
The NeuroTrac
product uses RF energy
only for its internal function. Therefore,
its RF emissions are very low and are not
likely to cause any interference in nearby
electronic equipment
RF emission
Class B
The NeuroTrac
product is suitable for use
in all establishments , including domestic
establishments and those directly con-
nected to the public low voltage power
supply network that supplies buildings
used for domestic purposes
Harmonic emissions
IEC 61000-3-2
Not applicable
Voltage fl uctuations/
fl icker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3
Not applicable
Sports XL Operation Manual
Conditions that respond to TENS
* General pain relief (including back pain)
Also used for non medical purposes
* Blood
ow improvement
* Muscle toning
* Muscle strength
* Muscle endurance
* Muscle resistance
* Maximal strength
* Explosive force
* Active recovery
* Muscle fatigue
Indications for use