21-0421E rev1.1
VeDVR User Guide
RS232 Menu
A single RS-232 serial port is on the rear panel of the DVR for PC communications.
Highlight the PTZ icon in the Main Menu and press ”ENTER” at the DVR controls, remote control or left click with a
mouse to open the configuration screen.
To make selections in this screen,
1. Use the “
”, “
”, “
” and “
” arrow buttons on the DVR controls or remote control or mouse pointer to high
light the screen selections.
2. Press “EDIT” to change a selection
3. Use
”, “
” to change the selection. Left click the mouse to change the selection.
4. Press “ENTER” to save a selection and return to the Image Menu.
5. After making changes, press Confirm to save the changes or Cancel not to save the changes.
Baud Rate:
9600 (default selection), 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115.2k, 50, 75, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
Data Bits:
8 bit (default selection), 5, 6, 7.
Stop Bits:
1 bit (default selection), 2.
No Parity (default selection), Odd, Even.
Flow Ctrl:
(Control) None (default selection), Software, Hardware.
(uses for RS232 connection)
Console: (default selection) Connect to a PC serial port. HyperTerminal or NetTerm can be used to control the DVR.
Transparent Channel: Connect to a serial device. The remote PC can control a serial device through the network.
PPP: Connect to a Modem. This setup uses PSTN to transfer the video image.
(When the above Mode selection is “PPP”)
Active: (default selection) The DVR will dial-up through PSTN.
Passive: The DVR will wait for dialup.
(When the Mode selection is “PPP”)
By Dialer (default selection)
Preset Tel: This function is not available.
Remote IP
This field is available when the Mode is PPP.