Figure 5: Zone bus terminal block wiring
Figure 6: Zone bus daisy chaining configuration
Table 3: Zone bus daisy chaining configuration
Terminating device on the zone bus
Zone bus terminal block plug on the terminating device
Daisy-chained device on a zone bus segment
Zone bus terminal block plug on the daisy-chained device
Cable shield connection
Connects to the next device on the zone bus. Connects to all ZECs and the zoning roof top unit (RTU) of
the VZC100.
Modular ports
The modular sensor and zone bus ports on the front of the ZEC510 are RJ12, six-position, modular
jacks. The modular sensor bus ports provide a connection for the VAV Balancing Tool. The zone bus
port is not used in ZEC510 installations. The following figure shows the pin number assignments on
the modular port.
Verasys ZEC510 VAV Controllers Installation Guide