Operation & maintenance manual, Drum filter HDF 12/16/20/24 -series
Check the rubber seal for the inlet between the filter frame and drum for
wear/damage. (Also see section 8.8.)
Prior to service, read section 2.7 (Safety instructions).
Every 12 months.
Visually check the support wheel bearings for significant wear.
Every 12 months.
Changing gear box oil. Follow the gear box manufactorers recommenda-
tion. Hydrotechs recommendation is to do this using a suction hose due to
space restrictions.
Prior to service, read section 2.7 (Safety instructions).
See Appendix F.
Clean the strainer at the bottom of the MTR pump (optional equip-
ment) using a brush.
Every week or at another
interval based on expe-
rience from the applica-
tion in question.
Clean the backwash strainer (optional equipment) using high pres-
sure cleaner.
Every week or at another
interval based on expe-
rience from the applica-
tion in question.