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© Ventam Systems Ltd
Ventam 85 Installation & Commissioning Instructions
The Ventam 85 is a combined Gas Proving and Ventilation Interlock Panel, to enable
compliance with BS 6173.
Current Electrical and Gas Regulations must be adhered to at all times and all Gas Proving &
Interlock Systems must only be installed and/or maintained by competent and approved
persons. Attention is drawn in particular to Regulations relating to isolation and de-isolation
of Gas and Electrical Systems. All these instructions should be read before installation. Refer
to wiring diagrams provided as required.
Principle of operation
The Ventam 85 Interlock & Gas Proving System is comprised of three units:
Ventam 85 Control Panel.
Fan Air Flow pressure switch(es).
Gas Isolation and weep by-pass valve assembly.
The Ventam 85 Panel is mounted in the kitchen where it is accessible and visible to the user.
The Ventam 85 System prevents the gas proving system being operated UNTIL the fans are
operating. Only then can Gas Proving commence. IF there are gas leaks or if valves have
been left open at the appliances the main gas valve WILL NOT OPEN.
Once the main gas isolation valve has opened, if the gas pressure subsequently falls below a
pre-set level (60% of line pressure) or a fan is turned off, the main gas valve will close.
Each time a fan is turned off OR an emergency stop is depressed OR the line gas pressure falls
too low the system MUST BE GAS PROVED AGAIN.
Ventam 85 Interlock Panel Location
Install the Ventam 85 Interlock Panel adjacent to the emergency exit and at an elevation
suitable for the users to reach the panel controls.
The panel must not be located where access to it may be obstructed
– e.g. by placing it behind
an opening door or where it may be obstructed by mobile trolleys, hanging clothing or similar. It
should not be located where the shut-off button could be operated accidentally. Mount the
panel on a flat level surface.
The Interlock panel must not be located adjacent to or above sources of heat, vapour or steam,
e.g. beside or above a cooking range or cooking or washing appliances.
The panel location must allow 600mm clearance to the front and 150mm clearance on all sides
for access and maintenance.
Panel power Supply
The panel must be supplied by a 240Vac five Amp single-phase earthed supply, via a fused
spur or suitable isolator.
Ventam Systems Ltd
Unit D4 Seedbed Business Centre
Vanguard Way
Essex SS3 9QY
Phone 01702 382 307
Fax 01702 382 340