VEMCO - VR2 Manual
Additional Information
Flash Memory
The VR2 receiver uses a non-volatile Flash Memory (memory that can retain stored information even when
not powered) to store valid detections of coded transmitters and the date/time at which the detection was
recorded. The VR2 will not continue to record received data once the memory is full. The memory is
capable of storing more than 300,000 valid detections. If a valid detection is received every 45 seconds it will
require approximately 156 days to fill the VR2 memory (see table below).
Time required to fill 2 MB memory based on various detection times.
Valid detection every…
Time to fill VR2 memory
30 Sec
104 days
45 Sec
156 days
60 Sec
208 days
90 Sec
312 days
Resume Study
After a VR2 Receiver has been initialized, it will continue to record data until the power is disconnected
(battery removed) except when it’s connected to the VR PC interface. When the VR PC interface’s probe is
inserted in the VR2 receiver, the study is stopped. Sixty seconds after the probe is removed from the receiver
the study will resume, unless the memory is full. This feature simplifies the process of downloading data
while in the field because receivers don’t need to be re-initialized before being re-deployed. If a study is
completed when the data is downloaded and the VR2 will not be deployed in the near future, remove the
battery from the receiver (see Battery section) to stop the receiver from recording.
Change VR PC Battery
To change the 9 volt battery in the VR PC computer interface:
Disconnect the serial cable between the VR PC and the computer.
Turn the interface case over and slide the battery cover away from the case.
Remove the battery from the case and disconnect it.
Connect the replacement 9 volt alkaline battery,
Insert the battery into the case and replace the battery cover.