VEMCO - VR2 Manual
Change Code Map
A Code Map is programmed into every VR2 receiver. The Code map instructs the VR2 to decode a particular pattern of
tag transmissions.
The VR2 Map Configuration window is used to change the Code Map used by the VR2 to
detect and decode VEMCO transmitters.
The Code Map should be changed with caution. Configuring a receiver with an incorrect map may result in
lost detection data. To determine which VEMCO code map to use, visit www.vemco.com or consult your
VEMCO sales agent.
Configuring a receiver with a new map automatically erases the data log from the VR2. Please offload all
data before configuring with a code map.
Select the radio button next to “Configure Map” in the VR2
Control Tasks list and then select “Next” to open the “VR2
Map Configuration” window (shown at right).
The “VR2 Map Configuration” window will automatically
display the current map used within the VR2.
VEMCO maps are listed in the top drop-down box.
Selecting one of these maps will automatically set the
corresponding tag types in the boxes below. Blanking
Interval is typically 240 milliseconds. Do not change this
value unless instructed by VEMCO Support.
The “Execute” button will start the configuration process to store the new map settings in the VR2.
Configuring a receiver with an
incorrect map may result in lost
detection data.
Offload all data before configuring with a code
Configuring a receiver with a new map
erases data.