Canard Removal/Installation
The canard can be removed in about 15 minutes with two
people. Tools required are one socket wrench (with 9/16 socket,
7/16 socket, 3/8 socket), a 9/16” box wrench and a 1/4” box
wrench. Remove the nose access cover; disconnect any antenna
and unhook the pitch trim spring. Reaching in through the nose
access hole forward of the canard, remove the two AN-6 main
canard hold down bolts. Remove the two 1/4” rear attach bolts.
With the canard removed, a through inspection of the trim
springs, counterweights, and all pivot points between canard and
elevator can be completed. Also a thorough inspection of all RG
parts can be conducted along with any changes or repairs to the
Re-install the canard in the reverse manner as removal.
Check Lists
A. Propeller
1. Inspect spinner and backplate for cracks
2. Inspect blades for nicks or delamination
3. Inspect for oil leaks
4. Inspect prop mounting bolts for security. If safety wire is
broken, recheck bolt torque.
5. Inspect hub for leaks and cracks
6. Check blades for looseness
B. Engine Group
1. Remove and inspect engine cowling for cracks
2. Inspect engine for oil leaks
3.Wash engine and cowling
4. Drain oil from sump
Review the weight and balance/equipment list for currency.
(Airplanes are like people – they get heavier with age).The aircraft
should be reweighed at the first annual.You may be surprised.
Update the weight and balance form. Reweigh every 3 years, or
after any major modification.
Main Wheel Bearings - Repack
Air filter - replace (if installed)
Engine - reference to manufacturer’s inspection manual; be sure to
check mags, grounding/timing, clean and gap spark plugs (.018”).
Reverse top to bottom. Check compression; if below 70/80, inves-
tigate. Ops check engine controls, throttle, mixture, carb, lube and
check for freedom of operation.
Control System - Inspect and lube all hinges, rodends, jam nuts,
bearings; check for binding.
Canard - remove the canard and inspect rudder pedals, battery,
nose gear retraction mechanism, canard lift tabs for damage/elon-
gation, elevator torque tubes for damage, elevator balance weights
for security/binding.
Pitot Static System - check for leaks.
Canopy Locking Pins - check rig and proper snub.
Wings - remove both wings (1st annual only, thereafter optional)
and inspect the glass areas around the center section spar and
wing attach fittings. Look for cracks, delaminations, etc. Note that
the reason for this inspection is not based on any anticipated
problem or failures, but to insure that the aircraft, at least once
each year, is given a thorough structural inspection. It should not
be necessary to remove the wings for subsequent annual inspec-
tions. All attach bolts, however, should be checked for proper
tightness and a “coin tapping” performed to check for any delami-
Inspect the entire surface of the aircraft. Look for evidence of
cracking/delamination or deformity of any kind.
Summary of Contents for XL RG
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