6. Wiring Diagram
7. Operation
Put the switch in the “ON”-position. Place the device on the floor and verify whether it moves smoothly. Put your
hand in front of the KSR3 : the device will turn to the right to avoid the obstacle. Subsequently, the KSR3 will move
forward in a straight line again. Adjust “VR” with a screwdriver to change the detection distance. Turn the screwdriver
to the right for increased sensitivity and vice versa.
8. Troubleshooting
1. Make sure all components on the PCB are in the right position. Pay particular attention to the polarity of the IR
diode and the phototransistor.
2. Check the wiring.
3. Increase the sensitivity of the VR adjustment if the device doesn’t react and diminish the sensitivity if the device
keeps turning to the right.
4. Grease face gear n°6 and shaft n°3 to reduce the noise.
5. Do not grease shaft n°4 and gears n°7 & n°8.
Note : The specifications and contents of this manual can be subject to change without prior notice.
Fig. 15