01.07.2009 7
I m port a nt r em ark :
I n som e cases, t he receiver can suffer from
int erference and not pick up t he signal from your rem ot e
cont rol. I nt erference can be caused by devices in the direct
vicinit y such as dim m ers and lam ps, or by direct sunlight . I f
such is t he case, reorient or relocat e t he I R receiver, or
increase t he dist ance bet ween t he I R receiver and t he device
causing t he int erference.
6 . Technical Specifications
alim entation 9VDC/ 100m A
power consum ption
m ax. 1W
operating range
± 6m (ideal circum stances)
I R receiving range
30 ~ 60kHz
dim ensions
62 x 95 x 35m m
weight 292g
Use t his device w it h original accessor ie s only. Vellem an nv
cannot be held responsible in t he eve nt of dam age or inj ury
result e d from ( incor r ect ) use of t his device. For m ore info
concer ning t his product , ple ase visit our w ebsit e
w w w .ve llem an.e u. The infor m at ion in t his m anua l is subj ect
t o change w it hout pr ior not ice .
The copyr ight t o t his m anua l is ow ned by Vellem an nv.
worldwide right s reserved. This m anual is copyright ed. No part of
t his m anual m ay be copied, reproduced, t ranslat ed or reduced t o any
elect ronic m edium or ot herwise wit hout t he prior writ t en consent of
t he copyright holder.