Velleman nv
File (F)
save the recorded data to disk
open a saved file
Print Setup…
change the printer and printing options
Print Preview
print preview the graph or list
print the graph or the list
Instrument (I)
Calibration Adjustment…
calibrate the data logger to eliminate measuring errors
e.g. die to aging of the microphone
Datalogger Setup…
set up sampling rate, alarm levels, LED indications,
recording mode…
Download Data…
download data from the data logger
Stop Running…
stop reading data from the data logger (only in real-
time mode)
Previous Measurement
check the data from last measurement
Window (W)
show or hide the instrument window (left pane)
Infor Dialog
show or hide info dialog window
Help (H)
show the software version of the data logger
Help Topics
open the software help file
Open file save dialog box to save a data file. The file is automatically saved with a .sound
extension as well as with a .xls extension.
Open previously saved files (.sound extension).
Calibrate the data logger. E.g. when reading is 0.5dB higher than actual sound level, set the
adjustment value to -0.5dB.
Data logger setup.
Set the sampling rate, sampling points, alarm levels (Hi and Low) and configure the LED
Select normal (NORM) measurement or peak values (PEAK) only.
Select storing data (STOR) or real-time (RT) measurement.
Select the weighting type dBA (related to human hearing, with low and high frequency cut
off) or dBC (actual loudness, better for peak measurement).
The logger speed can be set to FAST or SLOW.