11 Applications and functions
VEGAMET 861 • 4 … 20 mA/HART
The following steps must be carried out in the application wizard:
1. Select application
Select from the offered options the application "
Flow measure-
ment flume/Weir
2. Assign measuring loop name
Assign a unique designation to the measuring point so that there
can be no confusion with other measuring points.
3. Select sensor input (only for devices with HART)
Define how the measured value should be transmitted
(4 … 20 mA or HART). If HART is available for the sensor as well
as for the controller, the HART selection should be used because
a higher accuracy can be achieved.
4. Define sensor characteristic values
When using analogue 4 … 20 mA sensors, the measuring range
should be set accordingly in the sensor to achieve maximum ac-
curacy. This measuring range must also be stored in the assistant
together with the sensor type and the measuring unit.
5. Define application
Select the appropriate linearization and flume type. A list of avail
able flumes can be found in the introduction to this application.
6. Define adjustment values
Enter the adjustment values of the measuring point for 0 % and
for 100 %.
7. Scaling
Enter the measured value and unit (e.g. flow rate in m³/h) and the
corresponding scaling values for 100 % and 0 % (e.g. 100 m³/h,
0 m³/h).
8. Activate/define totalizer
The flow value can also be summed up and displayed as flow
rate. Two independent totalizers are available for this purpose.
Define the measuring unit and the display format. In addition, a
value for leak flow volume suppression can be defined.