5.6.2 CAS/MFAS
5.6.3 Frame monitoring
5.7 Insert errors
5.7.1 Error type
5.7.2 Speed
5.7.3 Count
5.7.4 Start/stop errors insertion
5.7.5 Alarm type
5.7.6 Time
5.7.7 Start/stop alarms generating
5.8 Pulse shape
5.8.1 Operation
5.8.2 Pulse shape monitoring
5.8.3 Oscilloscope
5.9 Jitter
5.9.1 Jitter measurements
5.9.2 Maximum Tolerable Jitter
5.9.3 Jitter Transfer Function
5.9.4 Jitter generation
5.10 Configuration
5.10.1 Basic settings
5.10.2 Line interface
5.10.3 Calibration mode
6 Warranty and software
7 About VeEX
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TX50e e-Manual D07-00-009 REVA00