VEC-1120K/1130K/1140K/1180K Instruction
15. Solder the jumpers to the capacitor rotor lugs, and to the ground foil
run on the bottom of the PC board.
16. Cut a 6” length of 24-AWG insulated hook-up wire in half.
17. Remove about ¼” of the insulation from each of the cut ends.
18. Insert one end of a 3” insulated wire into the silk-screened location for
W1. Free end of the insulated wire will be connected during the
alignment procedures.
19. Insert the other 3” insulated wire into the silk-screened location for
20. Connect the free end of the second insulated wire to one of the rear
upper set of switch contacts on SW1. Solder.
21. Find the tuning shaft extension. Screw into the main tuning capacitor
shaft. Back off about two turns to open a gap between the two shafts.
Allow a small drop of contact cement to flow into gap and onto