VEC-1002K Owner's Manual
2 Meter FM Receiver Kit
Generally, it's easier to install small close-to-the-board parts first, and then
mount larger stand-up parts second. Delicate parts, such as air-wound coils, go
on the PC board last.
Notice the directions use two sets of check boxes. Check one when a step is
complete and use the other for double-checking your work before operation.
We'll begin with the IC sockets.
Phase 1: IC Sockets
Important Note:
If you do not wish to use sockets with your kit, you may omit
them and mount the ICs directly into the board (an option experienced builders
may prefer). Sockets make IC removal easier in the event of an installation error
or component failure. If you elect to omit the sockets, mount both IC's with their
keyed end toward the left-hand side of the PC board--as indicated by the silk-
screen legend.
1. Position the circuit board so J1, J2 and the mounting holes for
integrated circuit U2 are toward the rear. Find the 8-pin IC socket
and, if necessary, straighten any bent pins.
2. Position the 8-pin socket at U2 with its "notch" or "key" toward the
left-hand side of the PC board. Carefully insert the socket (without
3. Turn the board over and inspect U2's pads. All 8 socket pins should
protrude through. If any do not, remove the socket, unfold the bent
pin (or pins), and reinsert. Solder in place.
4. Find the 24-pin IC socket and, using the procedure outlined above,
install at U1 with the key toward the left side of the board. Solder.
5. Inspect the pads under both sockets carefully for solder bridges and
cold-solder joints, correcting any problem areas before moving on.
Phase 2: Resistors
The kit has 16 fixed-value resistors. We'll mount these now, starting with the
smallest value and moving to the largest. Before mounting each one, carefully
bend both leads close to the resistor body to form right-angles, as shown :
1. Find a 22 ohm resistor (red-red-black). Install at R3 and solder.
2. Find a 270 ohm resistor (red-violet-brown). Install at R4 and solder.