Page 14
Locate the 4mm lines labeled spin
bridal. Tie each of these to the
outboard end of the spin pole and then
back to the holes located at the top of
the bow. Note: a small section of
plastic tubing and 3mm spectra have
been provided to run as a tie loop
through the bow hole if desired. The
bridal should be tied to provide a small
amount of downward pre-bend in the
spin pole. 2-4” should be sufficient.
Too much bend can permanently
deform the pole, while too little will not
provide enough support while the
spinnaker is being flown.
Failure to rig the spin bridal before sailing or before raising the spinnaker will result
in breaking the spin pole.
Warning: Failure to rig the spin bridal before sailing or before raising the
spinnaker will result in breaking the spin pole.
Fig 9.C
Fig 9.D