Acceptance of back office driver
logs edits (edits request by support
During login, if support personnel have
requested edits in your logs, you will
be prompted to review those edits and
accept or reject them.
UDA Unassigned Driving Account
If the vehicle is driven without any
driver logged in, RoadLog will still track
the periods driven in order to assign
this period to a driver later. During your
log in, you may see the screen to the
right, where you can either accept this
driving period as yours or refuse to
accept it.
Once rejected, the unassigned
driving period will not be presented to
you. However, if the period remains
unassigned it will be present in your
log during roadside inspection.
RODS Updated from the portal
For the RoadLog Plus (with wireless
connection), the following message
shows that edits have been done to
your Driver Logs from the back office.