Operation Manual
Document nr. : 053682
Version : V1.1
MC 795D
Client : General
Page : 8 of 16
Operation relay outputs.
Function selection of the hygrostat.
With parameter P 01 the function of the hygrostat is selected.
0 (D)
= 1-stage hygrostat with one setpoint and one relay output.
1 (D21)
= 2-stage hygrostat with one setpoint and two relay outputs.
2 (D22)
= 2 hygrostats each with his own setpoint and relay output.
3 (D31)
= 3-stage hygrostat with one setpoint and two relay outputs.
4 (D33)
= 3 hygrostats each with his own setpoint and relay output.
5 (D41)
= 4-stage hygrostat with one setpoint and two relay outputs.
6 (D44)
= 4 hygrostats each with his own setpoint and relay output.
All these hygrostats control on the average humidity off the active sensors.
Operation of the dehumidifying or humidifying.
For each relay the function dehumidifying or humidifying can be programmed.
The dehumidifying switches on if the humidity is higher than the
se offset
dehumid differential dehumidifying
and switches off if the humidity is below
+ offset dehumidifying
The heating switches on if the humidity is lower than the
se offset humdifying -
differential humdidifying
and switches off if the humidity is above
se offset
Operation of the alarm.
A selection can be made between no alarm, absolute alarm and relative alarm (P 41).
At an absolute alarm an alarm message will follow as soon as one of the active sensor exceeds
the alarm levels. The time delay prevents that an alarm will follow if e.h. the door of the cold
room is opened shortly.
The relative alarm are linked to the setpoint. A relative maximum alarm follows if one of the
active sensors has a humidity which is higher than
se maximum alarm value
, taking
the time delay into account. A relative minimum alarm follows if one of the active sensors has a
humidity which is lower than
setpoint - minimum alarm value
, taking the time delay into
Display and setpoint.
The range over which the setpoint can be set, can be limited with parameter P 51 and P52.
Also a read-out per 0,1% RH or per 1% RH can be selected.