Driving and operating
that exceeds either the electrical
circuit or the AC outlet capacity
may start a fire or damage the
electrical circuit.
When using a 220-volt AC socket, it
will take approx. 6 hours to charge the
vehicle with the 10 ampere AC
current setting or 11 hours using the
6 ampere AC current setting. When
using a 220-volt charging station with
16 ampere AC current capability, it
will take approx. 4 hours to charge the
vehicle. Charge times will vary with
outside temperature.
Exact current levels for a particular
region may vary from values shown in
this manual. Check vehicle for
available levels.
The Select Charge Level Preference
setting must be updated prior to the
vehicle being charged.
The charge level preference setting
can be changed at any time while the
Colour-Info-Display is operable.
Charge rate selection
From the delayed rate and departure
time charge mode status screen,
press Edit.
Select one of the following options:
■ Edit Summer Electric Rate
Schedule/Edit Winter Electric Rate
Schedule/Edit Yearly Electric Rate
■ Edit Departure Times
■ Select Charge Rate Preference
Charge rate preference selection
From the Departure Time and Rate
Information screen, press Select
Charge Rate Preference.
Press one of the following options to
Select Charge Rate Preference:
■ Charge during Peak, Mid-Peak,
and Off-Peak Rates: The vehicle
can charge during any rate period
to satisfy the next planned
departure time. However, it will
select when to charge to minimise
the total cost of the charge.
■ Charge during Mid-Peak and Off-
Peak Rates: The vehicle will charge
during off-peak and/or mid-peak
rate periods only and it will select
when to charge to minimise the
total cost of the charge.
■ Charge during Off-Peak Rates: The
vehicle will only charge during off-
peak rate periods.