1. Introduction
vatech A9 (Model:PHT-30CSS)
Installation Manual
Installation Site
The PC Monitor, Emergency Cut Off Switch, and X-ray
Exposure Switch should be installed near the operator
so that he or she can manage them simultaneously in
an emergency.
Proper shielding of the room is essential. The installers
are responsible for verifying that all applicable radiation
safety requirements are met since they vary depending
on the country. It is the installer’s responsibility to verify
that all applicable radiation safety requirements are
DO NOT install the equipment near other devices.
DO NOT install the equipment in an area that is
exposed to strong electromagnetic fields.
DO NOT install the equipment in an area where there is
the risk of an explosion.
This system's electrical installation shall comply with all
local code requirements for electro-medical systems:
IEC 60364-7-710:2002.
It is strongly recommended that a UPS be installed at
the same time as the equipment.
The equipment, PC, and all peripheral devices must be
This equipment complies with the following
Standard Safety Requirements for
Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60601-1-2:2005
Electromagnetic Interference
IEC 60601-1-3:2005
Radiation Protection
IEC 60601-1:2005
Standards for Medical Electrical
IEC 60950-1: 2nd edition:2005
Standards for Information
Technology Equipment
IEC60601-2-7 and IEC60601-2-28
: X-ray Tube Heads
IEC60364-7-710: 2002
Local Code Requirements for
Electro-Medical System Installation
IEC 60601-1-1:2005 regulation shall be met to their full
extent for the safety of the patients, operators, and the
environment—when any person assembles or modify a
medical electrical system by combing it with other
Any equipment not provided by VATECH can be
connected when the following standards have complied
with IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60601-1
The electrical installation shall comply with local code
requirements for electro-medical systems: IEC 60364-
7-710: 2002.