Baud Rate Key (All Models)
This key is used to display and set the serial communications baud rate, parity, and the controller
address (for use in a multi-drop communication link.
After pressing “Baud Rate”, the baud rate will flash in the IG display mantissa. Use the arrow keys to
select a baud rate of 1.2 (1200), 2.4 (2400), 4.8 (4800), 9.6 (9600), or 19 (19,200).
Press “Enter” to save the current flashing value as the baud rate and to advance to the parity setting,
displayed in the IG display exponent. Use the arrow keys to select parity of O (Odd), E (Even), or “n”
Press “Enter” to save the parity setting and to advance to the controller address setting, displayed in
the IG mantissa. Use the arrow keys to select an address from 00 to 99. Once again, press “Enter” to
save the address and exit the baud rate settings. This paragraph applicable to the RS 485/422 ONLY.
The default settings are 9600 baud with no parity and an address of 00.
Degas Key (BA, UHV Models, with degas option)
Can only activate if the pressure at the Bayard-Alpert ion gauge is less than 10
Torr. Pressing
the “Degas” key will illuminate the hidden degas legend to reflect the state of the degas. Pressing the
Degas key again will turn the degas function off. After engagement, the degas will automatically turn
off after approximately 1 hour, for I
R degas, 15 min for E-beam.The degas option must be installed to
operate this function; if the user does not purchase the degas option, then this key has no effect.
Figure 3-1. Front Panel, senTorr Gauge Controller
Emis Key (All Models)
Pressing “Emis” turns the high vacuum gauge on or off. The hidden “Emis On” legend will light to reflect
the on state of the ion emissions. The high vacuum gauge emissions will come on only if the appropri-
ate vacuum has been achieved.
Emis Key (BA/UHV dual filament models)
Pressing the “Enter” key before pressing “Emis” uses the second filament.