Section III
Refer to Figure 3-1 for the locations of the keys and display features described in following paragraphs.
Following each key name are the senTorr models and the option (if any) to which the function applies.
Note that some of the keys may not work unless a particular option has been installed.
Option Select Key (All Models)
Pressing the “Option Select” key puts the senTorr into the Program mode, as indicated by the flashing
yellow annunciator. Repeated “Option Select” key presses single-steps the annunciator through the
column of set points and parameters, returning the senTorr to the Run mode after the last key press.
“Option Select” also acts as an “escape” key when pressed before the “Enter” key has been used to
store a new digit setting.
Read Section 3-2, Parameter Programming, for further information.
Enter Key (All Models)
Pressing the “Enter” key advances the flashing cursor through a selected Program mode, and saves
the setting when pressing “Enter” after the last digit.
UP and DOWN Arrows (All Models)
These keys are used to increment and decrement, respectively, digit values when entering data.
Stdby Key ( All Models)
Pressing the “Stdby” key will power off all of the display, the fan, and the ion gauge tube. This is a low
power shutdown; the unit will continue to provide power to the processor.
Units Key (All Models)
Pressing the “Units” key toggles the pressure measurement units between Torr, mBar and Pascal for
all pressure readings. The front panel legends will reflect the pressure units, with both the Torr and
mbar lamps extinguished for Pascal.
Cal Key (BA2, BA2c, UHV2c, CC2, CC2c, IMG2c Models)
This key is used to calibrate the vacuum and atmosphere readings for the thermocouple gauges. The
red “Cal” legend will light when calibrating the TC's or ConvecTorrs.
Stpt Hyst Key (All Models, with set point option)
Used in conjunction with the “Option Select” program mode to display or program the set point hys-
teresis values. The red “Hyst” legend will light to indicate that the set point pressure being displayed is
the hysteresis level (see para. 3-3).