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Summary of Contents for 969-9506


Page 2: ...Turbo V 70 Controller...

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Page 6: ...77 Operating the Pump 77 Low Speed Operation 78 Pump Shutdown 79 Power Failure 79 Remote Control Mode Operation 79 ERROR MESSAGES 80 CONTROLLER TEST 81 Power Supply Test 81 Test with Dummy Load 82 Pu...

Page 7: ...izzo dell apparecchiatura Informazioni dettagliate sono fornite nell appendice Technical Information Questo manuale utilizza le seguenti convenzioni I messaggi di pericolo attirano l attenzione dell o...

Page 8: ...ali procedure operative Per ulteriori dettagli e per procedure che coinvolgono collegamenti o particolari opzionali fare riferimento al paragrafo USE dell appendice Technical Information Alcune delle...

Page 9: ...generato in sostituzione di quello guasto Prima di effettuare qualsiasi intervento sul controller scollegare il cavo di alimentazione Qualora un controller dovesse essere rottamato procedere alla sua...

Page 10: ...ha superato i 90 C Attendere che la temperatura ritorni al di sotto della soglia Premere due volte il pulsante START per riavviare la pompa FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Durante il funzionamento normale dopo la...

Page 11: ...technische Informationen sind im Anhang Technical Information enthalten In dieser Gebrauchsanleitung werden Sicherheitshin weise folgenderma en hervorgehoben Die Gefahrenhinweise lenken die Aufmerksa...

Page 12: ...Hinweise bez glich Anschl sse und Montage des bestellbaren Zubeh rs siehe Kapitel Use im Anhang zu Technical Information Einige der nachstehenden Gebrauchshinweise lassen sich beim Controller Modell 9...

Page 13: ...service in Anspruch genommen werden der f r die Erneuerung defekter Controller sorgt Vor jedem Eingriff am Controller mu der Netzstecker gezogen werden Eine eventuelle Verschrottung mu unter Einhaltu...

Page 14: Temperatur des Controller Trafos hat 90 C berschritten Warten bis die Temperatur unter den Schwellenwert gesunken ist Die Pumpe durch zweimalige Bet tigung der START Taste neustarten FAULT TOO HIGH...

Page 15: ...l appareillage Des renseignements plus d taill s se trouvent dans l appendice Technical Information Cette notice utilise les signes conventionnels suivants Les messages de danger attirent l attention...

Page 16: ...our les proc dures concernant des connexions ou des l ments en option se reporter au paragraphe Use de l appendice Technical Information Quelques unes des instructions donn es ci apr s ne sont possibl...

Page 17: ...met d obtenir un contr ler r g n r la place du contr leur d traqu Avant d effectuer toute op ration sur le contr leur d brancher le c ble d alimentation En cas de mise au rebut de la pompe proc der so...

Page 18: ...tendre que la temp rature retourne au dessous du seuil Presser deux fois l interrupteur START pour remettre la pompe en marche FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Pendant le fonctionnement normal apr s la phase de mi...

Page 19: ...detallada se facilita en el Suplemento Technical Information Este manual utiliza los s mbolos convencionales siguientes Los mensajes de peligro atraen la atenci n del operador sobre un procedimiento o...

Page 20: ...os operativos principales Para m s detalles y para procedimientos que impliquen conexiones u opcionales especiales les remitimos al apartado Use del anexo Technical Information Algunas de las instrucc...

Page 21: efectuar cualquier operaci n en el controler desenchufar el cable de alimentaci n En caso de que un controler se tenga que desguazar efectuar su eliminaci n respetando las normas nacionales espec f...

Page 22: ...Durante el funcionamiento normal tras la fase de puesta en marcha la corriente absorbida por la bomba es superior a la programada 1 5 A Comprobar que el rotor de la bomba tiene la posibilidad de gira...

Page 23: ...a do operador durante o uso da aparelhagem Informa es pormenorizadas s o fornecidas no ap ndice Technical Information Este manual utiliza as seguintes conven es As mensagens de perigo chamam a aten o...

Page 24: ...lhes e para procedimentos que envolvem liga es ou pe as opcionais consultar o par grafo Use do ap ndice Technical Information Algumas das instru es descritas a seguir s o poss veis no controller model...

Page 25: ...ntroller regenerado que substitua o controller com defeito Antes de efectuar qualquer opera o no controller desligar o cabo de alimenta o Caso um controller deva ser destru do proceder sua elimina o r...

Page 26: ...ransformador do controller superou os 90 C Aguardar at que a temperatura volte ao limite estabelecido Premer duas vezes o bot o START para reactivar a bomba FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Durante o funcionamento...

Page 27: de veiligheid van de operator tijdens het gebruik van de apparatuur te verzekeren Gedetailleerde informatie is te vinden in de bijlage Technical information Deze handleiding hanteert de volgende sy...

Page 28: ...van de bijlage Technical Information Enkele hier vermelde instructies zijn alleen van toepassing op het controllermodel 969 9506 indien hierop het accessoire Hand held terminal is aangesloten Breng a...

Page 29: ...zo krijgt men een ruilcontroller ter vervanging van de defecte controller Alvorens werkzaamheden aan de controller uit te voeren de voedingskabel afkoppelen Mocht de controller gesloopt worden ga dan...

Page 30: ...ormator van de controller bedraagt meer dan 90 C Wacht tot de temperatuur weer onder de drempelwaarde is gezakt Bedien twee maal de START knop om de pomp weer op te starten FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Tijdens...

Page 31: ...kkerhed under anvendelsen Detaljeret information findes i bilaget Technical Information I brugsanvisningen anvendes f lgende standard rubrikker Advarselsmeddelelserne informerer operat ren om at en sp...

Page 32: ...tilbeh r henvises til afsnittet Use i bilag Technical Information Visse procedurer der beskrives nedenst ende kan kun udf res p styreenheden model 969 9506 n r den er udstyret med tilbeh ret Hand hel...

Page 33: ...vor man kan f en repareret pumpe i bytte for den der er g et i stykker Inden der foretages noget som helst indgreb p styreenheden skal str mmen f rst afbrydes Skrotning af pumpen skal foreg i overenss...

Page 34: ...yreenhedens transfor mator overskrider 90 C Vent p at temperaturen falder til under t rskelv rdi Tryk to gange p START for at starte pumpen igen FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Under normal drift efter startfasen...

Page 35: ...r driften Detaljerade uppgifter finns i bilagan Technical information I bruksanvisningen anv nds f ljande standard rubriker Varningsmeddelandena informerar operat ren om att en speciell procedur eller...

Page 36: ...ller tillbeh r h nvisas till avsnittet Use i bilaga Technical Information Vissa anvisningar som listas nedan kan endast utf ras p styrenheten modell 969 9506 n r den r utrustad med tillbeh ret Hand he...

Page 37: ...te utf rs p styrenheten m ste dess str mf rs rjning brytas Skrotning av pumpen skall ske enligt g llande lagstiftning BORTSKAFFNING Betydelse av logotypen WEEE p etiketterna Symbolen som visas nedan h...

Page 38: ...E Temperaturen p styrenhetens transfor mator verskrider 90 C V nta tills temperaturen sjunker under tr skelv rdet Tryck tv g nger p knappen START f r att starta om pumpen FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Under nor...

Page 39: ...n n r utstyret er i bruk For mer detaljert bruk vises det til tillegget Technical Information Denne veiledningen bruker f lgende standard protokoll Disse meldingene skal tiltrekke seg brukerens oppmer...

Page 40: ...i vedlegget Technical Information Visse anvisninger som listes nedenfor kan kun gjennomf res p styreenheten modell 969 9506 n r den er utstyrt med ekstrautstyret Hand held terminal F r styreenheten t...

Page 41: overhalte styreenheter til erstatning for den delagte styreenheten F r noe arbeid utf res p styreenheten m den frakoples str mnettet Dersom en styreenhet skal kasseres m dette skje i henhold til na...

Page 42: ...ONTROLLER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperaturen p styreenhetens transformator er over 90 C Vent til temperaturen synker under terskelverdien Trykk to ganger p knappen START for starte pumpen FAULT TOO HIGH L0A...

Page 43: ...ana Yksityiskohtaiset tiedot l ytyv t liitteest Tekniset tiedot T m k sikirja k ytt seuraavia merkint j Vaara merkinn t saavat k ytt j n huomion kiinnittym n erityisiin toimintotatapoihin joiden seura...

Page 44: ...a lis tietoja sek kytkent j ett valinnaisia lis laitteita koskevien toimenpiteiden suorittamista k sitt vi tietoja l yd tte kappaleesta K ytt joka on Tekniset tiedot kappaleen liitteen Jotkin seuraavi...

Page 45: ...i Varian advance exchange service palvelua jolloin on mahdollista vaihtaa rikkoontunut valvoja ladattuun valvojaan Ennen mink tahansa valvojaan teht v n toimenpiteen suorittamista irroittakaa s hk kaa...

Page 46: ...RATURE Valvojan muuntajan l mp tila on ylitt nyt 90 C Odottakaa ett l mp tila putoaa kynnysarvon alapuolelle Painakaa painonappia START kaksi kertaa jolloin pumppu k ynnistyy FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Norma...

Page 47: ...i thn asfavleia tou ceiristhv katav th diavrkeia th crhsimopoivhsh th suskeuhv Leptomereiv plhroforive parevcontai sto paravrthma Technical Information Autov tov egceirivdio crhsimopoieiv ti akovlouqe...

Page 48: ...pou apaitouvn idiaivtere sundevsei hv axesouavr anaferqeivte sthn paravgrafo Crhvsh tou Technical Information Merikev apov ti anaferovmene sth sunevceia plhroforive mporouvn na efarmostouvn kai ston...

Page 49: ...ler evcei suntonisteiv se FRONT Mode SUNTHRHSH Oi ruqmistj thj seir j Turbo V 70 den apaito n kamma sunt rhsh Opoiad pote epmbash qa prpei na pragmatopoihqe ap egkekrimno proswpik Se perptwsh bl bhj m...

Page 50: ...e wvspou h qermokrasiva na katebeiv kavtw apov to anwvtato epitreptov shmeivo Pathvste duvo forev to mpoutovn START gia na qevsete xanav se kivnhsh thn Antliva FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Katav thn kanonikhv...

Page 51: ...szletes inform ci k tal lhat k a Technical Information c m mell kletben E k zik nyv az al bbi megegyez sszer jel l seket alkalmazza A vesz lyt jelz zenetek olyan elj r sra vagy specifikus tev kenys g...

Page 52: ...lemeket rint elj r sok tal lhat k a Technical Information mell klet Use c m szakasz ban Az al bbiakban ismertetett utas t sok n melyike csak akkor lehets ges a 969 9506 es modell vez rl n ha hozz van...

Page 53: ...z rl t biztos t A vez rl n val b rmely beavatkoz s v grehajt sa el tt ki kell h zni a h l zati csatlakoz t Amikor egy vez rl t le kell selejtezni megsemmis t sekor a t rgyk rbe tartoz nemzeti norm kna...

Page 54: ...ak h m rs klete t ll pte a 90 C t V rakozni m g a h m rs klet a k sz b rt k al esik A szivatty jraind t s hoz k tszer megnyomni a START nyom gombot FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD Norm l zem k zben az ind t si f...

Page 55: niezbedne informacje dotyczace gwarancji bezpieczenstwa personelu obslugujacego urzadzenie Bardziej szczegolowe informacje sa zawarte w dodatku do Technical Information Podrecznik ten opiera sie na...

Page 56: ...nsultowac paragraf Use znajdujacy sie w dodatku do Technical Information Niektore z pozostalych instrukcji kontrolera mozna rowniez wykorzystac dla modelu 969 9506 ale pod warunkiem ze kontroler jest...

Page 57: ...oler zregenerowany zastepujac go tym uszkodzonym Przed wykonaniem jakiejkolwiek interwencji na kontrolerze nalezy odlaczyc kabel zasilajacy W przypadku decyzji zlomowania nalezy przeprowadzic operacje...

Page 58: ...atura transformatora w kontrolerze przekroczyla 90 C Odczekac az temperatura sie obnizy ponizej ustalonego poziomu Nacisnac dwa razy przycisk START dla ponownego uruchomienia pompy FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD...

Page 59: ...hem provozu p stroje Detailn informace se nach zej v dodatku Technical Information Tato p ru ka pou v n sleduj c b n ozna en Odkazy kter upozor uj na nebezpe a donut oper tora aby se dil dle procedury...

Page 60: ...pojen nebo dal ch op n ch detajl je t eba se obracet na odstavec Use v p loze Technical Information N kter instrukce uveden v n sleduj c m se mohou aplikovat na kontrol r modelu 969 9506 jen v p pad e...

Page 61: ...m n n za nov Nejd ve p ed jak mkoliv z sahem na kontrol ru se mus odpojit elektrick kabel Bude li zapot eb kontrol r likvidovat mus se postupovat dle platn ch specifick ch st tn ch norem LIKVIDACE V z...

Page 62: ...LER OVERTEMPERATURE Temperatura transform toru erpadla p ev ila 90 C Po kat a se temperatura op t vr t pod mezn hodnotu Stisknout dvakr t tla tko START pro op tn spu t n erpadla FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD B...

Page 63: ...inform cie ktor ch lohou je zabezpe i bezpe nos pracovn ka po as pou vania pr stroja Podrobn inform cie s uveden v dodatku Technical Information Tento n vod pou va nasleduj ce sign ly Sign l nebezpe i...

Page 64: ...tomto odstavci s uveden hlavn operat vne postupy Pre ostatn detaily a pre postupy ktor sa vz ahuj na napojenia alebo na zvolen pr slu enstvo postupujte pod a asti Use v dodatku Technical Information N...

Page 65: ...advanced exchange service ktor vymen vadn controller Pred ak mko vek z sahom na controller vytiahnite n ru z elektrickej siete V pr pade e controller mus s do zberu ria te sa platn mi pr slu n mi n r...

Page 66: ...transform tora controller prekro ila 90 C Po ka k m teplota neklesne pod hranicu Stla te dvakr t tla idlo START pre znovuna tartovanie erpadla FAULT TOO HIGH LOAD Po as be n ho chodu po na tartovan er...

Page 67: ...e sigurnosti uporabnika med rokovanjem s to napravo Podrobnej e informacije najdete v priponki Technical Information V tem priro niku so varnostne informacije razvr ene v dva razreda Znak svarila opoz...

Page 68: ...odrobnej e informacije in postopke ki se nana ajo na priklju itve ali posamezne opcije ogledajte si paragraf Use v dodatku Technical Information Nekaj od naslednjih navodil veljajo za model 969 9506 s...

Page 69: ...ance exchange service ki Vam stavlja na razpolago obnavljenega controller a Pred katerikoli posegom izklju ite napajalni kabel iz controller a Controller zavrzite kot industrijski odpadek v skladu z d...

Page 70: ...Temperatura transformatorja ki pripada controlleru je presegla 90 C Po akajte da se temperatura vrne pod normalnim vrednostim pragom Dvakrat pritisnite tipko START za ponoven zagon rpalke FAULT TOO HI...

Page 71: ...led information is supplied in the appendix Technical Information This manual uses the following standard protocol The warning messages are for attracting the attention of the operator to a particular...

Page 72: ...ical Information Some procedures can be executed with controller model 969 9506 only when the accessory Hand held terminal is available Make all vacuum manifold and electrical connections and refer to...

Page 73: ...basis through Varian Before carrying out any work on the controller disconnect it from the supply If a controller is to be scrapped it must be disposed of in accordance with the specific national sta...

Page 74: ...E The controller transformer temperature exceeds 90 C Wait until the temperature decrease below threshold value Press the START push button twice to start the pump FAULT TOO HIGH L0AD In normal operat...

Page 75: into a 3 phase low voltage medium frequency output which is required to power the Turbo V pump The microcomputer generates the variable output frequency and controls the 3 phase output voltage acco...

Page 76: 40 C Storage temperature 20 C to 70 C Fuse mains T3 15 A slow blow disregarding the mains Radio interference suppression EN 55011 class A group 1 EN 61010 1 IEC1000 4 2 1000 4 3 1000 4 4 Auxiliary...

Page 77: ...operly grounded power socket to avoid electrical shock Line Voltage Change Over The controller is factory set for 120 Vac operation If a change in line voltage operation is desired proceed as follows...

Page 78: ...ontact and it is used to stop the pump When the conract is closed the turbopump and the interconnected devices are stopped b8 a5 Remote RESET requires a momentarily closed contact for at least 0 5 sec...

Page 79: ...ected the ramp up will be done within 75 seconds Monitor Mode After the mains is applied to the I O connector the pump starts and the display shows in the following figure S O F T S T A R T O N Where...

Page 80: ...ld speed value is not reached Press the CYCLE NUMBER and the display shows X X X X C Y C L E X X X X X m P U M P L I F E X X X X X h where CYCLE are the cycles performed range 0 to 9999 m is the elaps...

Page 81: ...pressing the PUMP CURRENT push button The display shows R S 2 3 2 H O S T P R I N T S E L E C T I O N X X X X X where XXXX means HOST or PRINT Select HOST or PRINT by pressing the CYCLE push button Wi...

Page 82: ...e speed threshold will condition the R1 and R2 operation see the following cycle diagram and it is factory set to 40 KRPM Select the first number by pressing the CYCLE NUMBER push button then enter th...

Page 83: ...ction is factory set to YES After selection press PUMP CURRENT to confirm the display will be as shown in the following figure Reset Command The display shows P U M P L I F E X X X X X h R E S E T X X...

Page 84: ...he Soft Start has been deselected the display shows P U M P R E A D Y P U S H S T A R T B U T T O N L S where LS means low speed mode is selected After starting a LS appears on the right bottom corner...

Page 85: ...ontroller automatically restarts the interconnected devices and the turbopump in the proper sequence The display shows P U M P I S S T A R T I N G 1 2 X X K R P M until normal operation achieved Remot...

Page 86: ...pump temperature exceeds 60 C the pump is shut off and the display will be as shown in the following figure F A U L T P U M P O V E R T E M P The message will stay on until the temperature decreases...

Page 87: ...K 1 4 W minimum b Test set up Remove the pump connector from the turbopump Disconnect the Turbo V controller connectors J17 and P16 Remove the cover from the Turbo V controller Set potentiometer to 30...

Page 88: ...e ac output voltage After start up it should be 42 Vac with 78 dummy load and 42 Vac with 48 dummy load On the hand held terminal press the STOP pushbutton and remove J17 from the controller Pump over...

Page 89: ...DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Input output mating connector 969 9855 Mains cable European plug 3 m long 969 9957 Mains cable American plug 120 V 3 m long 969 9958 OPTIONS DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Controller...


Page 91: ...TIFICATION Product Description Varian P N Varian S N Purchase Reference TYPE OF RETURN check appropriate box Paid Exchange Paid Repair Warranty Exchange Warranty Repair Loaner Return Credit Shipping E...

Page 92: ...rate No zero high backround Gauge tube not working Display problem Vacuum system unstable Cannot reach test mode Communication failure Degas not working Failed to start Other Error code on display Oth...

Page 93: ...1263 Toll Free 0120 655 040 Korea Varian Technologies Korea Ltd Shinsa 2nd Bldg 2F 966 5 Daechi dong Kangnam gu Seoul Korea 135 280 Tel 82 2 3452 2452 Fax 82 2 3452 2451 Toll Free 080 222 2452 Mexico...
