User Manual: UM50566-EN
Optica 30/40/50 series
Revision: 3.0
Date of release: 2019-01-09
All rights reserved
Although this guide is prepared with utmost care, Varex Imaging Nederland B.V. assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions.
Varex Imaging Nederland B.V. cannot be held accountable for damages of any nature arising from the
use, and / or use of any options other than original Varex Imaging Nederland B.V. products.
The product has the warranty provisions of our general conditions.
The warranty on your equipment will be void if:
Service and maintenance are not carried out according to the instructions and if repairs are
not performed, or performed without proper validation.
Changes or modifications made without our prior written consent.
Non-original parts or other than the specified lubricants have been used.
The equipment has been used improperly, carelessly or not in accordance with its nature and /
or purpose.
All consumables (e.g. bolts, nuts, screws, etc.) are excluded from warranty.