Vesper will automatically land and shut off once the battery level reaches 5%.
The GCS will give multiple visual pop-up warnings in advance of the automatic
landing. The operator can override the final 5% automatic landing with stick
inputs, but should be aware that doing so risks loss of the aircraft. The low
battery preset limits can be modified in the Safety options.
By clicking the Failsafe Action dropdown menu, the operator can define low
battery behavior. In this menu, the operator can choose at what % battery level
to send a warning notification, and enter the failsafe setting or emergency
Vesper can maintain position using visual inertial odometry (VIO) and optical
flow in the event of GPS loss as long as scene illumination is greater than 10 -
50 lux (depending on surface texture). If Vesper is unable to maintain position
and has lost the control link, it will land in a level orientation. VIO will drift by
approximately 7 meters for every 100 meters of travel.