Conversion Procedure
1. Remove window, ceramic logs and bricks (if
from fi rebox (see RF24 installation manual).
2. Remove and replace the existing pilot injector
by pulling the pilot hood off (upwards) and
unscrewing the pilot injector using a 4 mm (5/32”)
hex wrench. Set the existing injector aside.
Check the size of the new injector (see chart on
page 1), insert the new injector, tighten, then
reinstall the pilot hood lining up the slot in the hood
with the key in the holder.
3. Remove and replace the existing main burner
The main burner injector may be removed
with the module in place (if space for wrenches
permits). Disconnect the piping and rotate the
injector out of the end of the burner while holding
the supply pipe down, out of the way from
underneath; loosening the 2 right hand screws
holding the burner tray will allow more separation
to rotate the injector. Alternatively, shut-off the
gas valve, disconnect the supply and remove the
burner module from the fi rebox to gain more space
to remove the injector.
Check the catalogue number stamped on the side
of the injector (see chart on page 1) and reinstall
into the end of the burner ensuring the air shutter
is installed between the injector and the burner.
Reassemble the module.
4. Remove and replace the minimum rate by-pass
from the underside of the valve. The screw
has a rubber o-ring holding it into the valve body
and may require prying out or removing the screw
with needle nose pliers.
5. Access the pressure adjustment screw.
RF24BV or RF24XB.
Remove the plastic
cover from the valve using the special 2-pin
screwdriver tip supplied in the kit. Pry the
cover off the tab on the right side using a small
RF24BV or RF24XB
RF24DV or RF24ID