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Provide a suitable guard that complies with BS 6539 or 6778 for the protection of
young children, the elderly and the infirm. Such a guard is also recommended for the
protection of pet animals. (Although this fire conforms to all the applicable standards,
it is a heating appliance and certain parts of its surface will become hot.)
Note: The glass panel acts as a fireguard conforming to BS1945:1971 and satisfies the
Heating Appliance (Fireguard) (Safety) Regulations 1991.
Wait three minutes before attempting to relight if the fire is switched off or the flames
are extinguished for any reason. (Your fire is fitted with a safety device which will
automatically shut off the gas supply to the fire if, for any reason, the flames go out.)
Get advice about the suitability of any wall covering near your fire. Soft wall coverings
(e.g. embossed vinyl, etc.) which have a raised pattern are easily affected by heat. They
may, therefore, scorch or become discoloured when close to a heating appliance.
Please bear this in mind whenever you are considering redecorating.
Provide a minimum side clearance as detailed in figure 1. Please bear this in mind if
ever you are considering altering the room.
Hang clothing, towels or any other fabrics over the fire.
Fill in the space behind the case.
Use the fire with a damaged coal piece or with the coal incorrectly positioned.
Use the fire if the glass window is damaged.
Allow any combustible material (e.g. Wallpaper, plastic tiling, wood panelling etc.) on
the fireplace wall below the shelf.
Attempt to clean or service the fire until it has been switched off and allowed to cool