Pag 32
Converting cutting file format by ‘AI2PLT’ tools
If you make cutting file successfully in illustrator, now it’s time to convert the file from *.ai to *.plt format.
(F.Y.I. Valloy cutting software can support *.plt or *.dxf format.)
< PICTURE 5.19 >
1. Converting one by one.
A. Run “AI2PLT software
B. Open cutting file which you saved as *.ai format.
C. Click ‘Convert PLT’.
D. PLT file will be generated in the same folder.
2. Enable ‘Spool’ function.
A. Run ‘AI2PLT software.
B. Click ‘Enable Spool’ check box.
C. When you copy your *.ai file to assigned folder, the software will generate new PLT file to assigned
folder and move original file to assigned folder automatically.
(You can find d
efault folder by clicking ‘Spool Folder’ and you can change them as your own way.