The output of the voltage amplifier and the output of the current amplifier stage are applied to
individual inputs of the power converter. The output of the power converter is passed through
a scaler controlled by the voltage range relays. Again, scaling is necessary since the full-scale
output of the voltage amplifier is the same on all ranges. The DVM which follows the scaler is
identical to that used for the amps/volts display.
Figure 7-1 | 2105 Block Diagram
7.3 Detailed Circuit Descriptions
To supplement the overview provided by the preceding functional description, this section
describes the operation of each circuit. The reference designators used in this section are those
of the schematic diagram of the Model 2105, 2105-070.
For convenience, the individual circuits of a multiple-circuit device are identified by the device
designator followed by a suffix number corresponding to the output pin number. For example,
the amplifier of U7 that has its output connected to pin 1 is identified as U7-1.