background image

-  17  -



WARNING! Any internal overhaul or 

maintenance must only be performed by an 

authorised service centre.

Cleaning the gun (FigH, Fig.L) 



WARNING! The gun must always be cle-

aned carefully immediately after use. If the 

paint dries inside it will be very difficult to 

clean and there is a risk of not being able to 

use it again. 



WARNING! Do not use inflammable sol-

vents to clean the gun. Clean the gun in a 

well ventilated room, in accordance with the 

general safety standards and electrical safety 

standards indicated above.  

Switch off the appliance and disconnect the 

motor body (2 Fig.F7) from the spraying unit 

(1 Fig.F7).

Remove the tank (1 - Fig. G) having made sure 

that all the coating material in the gun has flowed 

back into the tank. Pour the remaining paint into 

its tin and close it tightly. 

Begin cleaning the tank by pouring a small 

amount of diluents into it that is suitable for the 

type of paint involved and that has a flash point 

of more than 21°C. 

Shake the tank with the diluents for a few se-

conds and then empty it. Repeat this operation 

until the diluents that are poured out of the tank 

are properly clean. Clean all traces of paint from 

both the inside and the outside of the tank. 

Clean the gasket under the tank cap (19 Fig.L), 

and check that it is not worn or damaged. 

To clean the other gun components proceed as 

follows (Fig.H, Fig.L): 



Warning! The gun contains many small 

components that can be easily lost and must 

be perfectly reassembled in the correct 

sequence after removing them for cleaning. 

Store or photograph the components to 

prevent the gun from being used after their 


Swirl the ring (11 Fig.H) and remove the com-

ponents. Do not force any component with tools 

and do not use compressed air.

Put all the dismounted pieces in a receptacle 

and proceed to clean them using clean diluents 

(perhaps recommended by the paint manufac-

turer), and use a paintbrush. 

Also clean the inside parts of the gun and the 

suction tube using the supplied accessories 


Before fitting these components again make sure 

they are properly dry.


 Replace the components listed fol-

lowing the removal sequence in reverse order. 


Cleaning the machine casing

Switch the machine off and disconnect the 


Clean the machine casing with a soft brush or 

clean damp cloth. Do not use any detergents 

or solvents as these may damage the machine 

beyond repair. The plastic parts are prone to 

damage by chemical agents.



Always keep the ventilation holes (3 Fig.A) 

clean and free.


 Do not spray or soak the machine 

with water.

For maintenance not explained in these instruc-

tions, contact an authorised assistance centre.


- After each use clean the entire machine and all 

its accessories properly (see the Maintenance 

paragraph). This will prevent mildew from 

forming, which will ensure better performance 

and a longer working life. 

- Keep the machine out of reach of children, in a 

stable safe position, in a dry place not subject 

to extreme temperatures and free of dust.

- Protect the machine from direct sunlight, 

keeping it in the dark where possible, or in the 


- Do not wrap the machine in plastic bags as 

dampness could form.


In order to protect the environment, proceed 

according to the local laws in force. Contact the 

relevant authorities for more information.

When the machine is no longer usable or repai-

rable, take the machine and its packaging to a 

recycling centre.

 Electric and electronic waste may contain 

substances hazardous to the environment and 

human health. It should therefore not be dispo-

sed of with household waste, but by means of 

separate collection at special collection centres 

or returned to the vendor in the event of purcha-

sing a new similar tool. Illegal disposal of waste 

Summary of Contents for M-PS 18

Page 1: ...ruzioni di sicurezza e le istruzioni d uso fornite WARNING Before using the product read and understand the supplied safety instructions and operating instructions Verniciatore spray a batteria ISTRUZIONI D USO Istruzioni originali Cordless spray gun OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Translation of the original instructions ...

Page 2: ... 2 ...

Page 3: ... 3 ...

Page 4: ... 4 ...

Page 5: ... 5 ...

Page 6: ... 6 ...

Page 7: ... 7 ...

Page 8: ...caso di emergenza L uso improprio può provocare gravi ferite Conservate con cura ed a portata di mano queste istruzioni e le istruzioni di sicurezza fornite in modo da poterle consultare in caso di necessità Pensate sempre alla vostra e altrui sicurezza e comportatevi di conseguenza ATTENZIONE Il verniciatore va usato solo per spruzzare materiali di copertura come vernici smalti trasparenti ecc no...

Page 9: ...sito una buona esperienza riuscirete a sfruttarne a fondo le potenzialità Le condizioni di verniciatura di questo apparecchio sono di un alto volume d aria che avvolge il getto spruzzato in bassa pressione questo contribuisce ad avere un alta efficienza della verniciatura Inoltre la corrente d aria favorisce la riduzione dei tempi di essiccaggio del materiale di copertura Il disegno di Fig D illus...

Page 10: ...ta della vernice ruotando IN SENSO ORARIO l ugello a farfalla 12 Fig F4 nella posizione desiderata I getti orizzontali o verticali HH VV sono consi gliati per le grandi superfici Lo spruzzo rotondo CC è invece utilizzato per i piccoli oggetti o per i luoghi più difficili da raggiungere angoli spigoli ecc Regolazione dell angolo di erogazione Fig F5 Agite sulla leva di regolazione 13 Fig F5 per ott...

Page 11: ...à del tutto pulito Pulite da qualsiasi traccia di vernice sia l interno che l esterno del serbatoio Pulite la guarnizione che si trova sotto il coper chio del serbatoio 19 Fig L controllando anche che non sia danneggiata o usurata Per la pulizia dei componenti della pistola pro cedete come indicato nel seguito Fig H Fig L Attenzione La pistola contiene molti piccoli componenti che possono essere f...

Page 12: ...tite assie me ad esso Non gettate nel fuoco e non disper dete nell ambiente le batterie esauste ma con segnatele agli appositi centri per il loro smalti mento Non smaltire assieme ai rifiuti domestici GARANZIA Il prodotto è tutelato a norma di legge contro non conformità rispetto alle caratteristiche dichiarate purché sia stato utilizzato esclusivamente nel modo descritto dalle istruzioni non sia ...

Page 13: ...perchio posteriore e pulire il filtro in spugna Pulsazioni del getto durante la spruzzatura Il materiale di copertura sta per finire Riempire Tubo di salita 9 fig A intasato Pulire Filtro 17 fig A sporco Togliere il coperchio posteriore e pulire il filtro in spugna Mancata pressione nel serbatoio 10 fig A Chiudere bene il serbatoio e pulire la guarnizione fig L La vernice cola sull oggetto da vern...

Page 14: ...mergency Incorrect use of this machine may result in serious injury This machine may not be used in places covered by the anti explosion standards Keep these instructions and the safety in structions carefully and close to hand for consultation in case of need Always bear your own safety and that of others in mind and act accordingly WARNING This painting machine is only to be used for spraying no...

Page 15: ...essure which pro vides greater painting efficiency In addition the stream of air shortens the drying time required for the coating material The diagram in Fig D illustrates the correct position and use Warning To ensure high efficiency of the appliance and avoid overheating of the motor always keep the ventilation holes 3 Fig A clean and free Preparing the item or surface to be coated The painting...

Page 16: ... It is advisable to start from a low flow rate and gradually tighten the wheel until you get to spray the desired amount of paint Inserting and replacing the nozzles Fig H Select a nozzle 14 based on the desired spray jet diameter and enter it as follows 1 Unscrew the ring nut 11 from the spray unit 1 2 If a nozzle has already been inserted remove it from the spray unit with a screwdriver if neces...

Page 17: ...ceptacle and proceed to clean them using clean diluents perhaps recommended by the paint manufac turer and use a paintbrush Also clean the inside parts of the gun and the suction tube using the supplied accessories Fig L Before fitting these components again make sure they are properly dry Warning Replace the components listed fol lowing the removal sequence in reverse order Cleaning the machine c...

Page 18: ...been tampered with in any way it has been stored properly has been repaired by authorized and where applicable have been used only original spare parts In the case of industrial or professional use or when using such a guarantee is valid for 12 months To issue a claim under warranty you must present proof of purchase to your dealer or authorized service center TROUBLESHOOTING WARNING If after carr...

Page 19: ...lean Filter 17 Fig A very dirty Remove the back cover and clean the sponge filter Pulsating jet during spraying The coating material is about to finish Fill Delivery hose 9 Fig A clogged Clean Filter 17 Fig A very dirty Remove the back cover and clean the sponge filter No pressure in the tank 10 Fig A Tighten the tank well and clean the gasket Fig L The paint coagulates on the item being painted T...

Page 20: 2006 42 CE 2014 30 CE 2011 65 CE Persona autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico presso The person authorized to compile the technical file is in Valex SpA Via Lago Maggiore 24 36015 Schio VI Italy 06 2019 Un procuratore Attorney SMIDERLE STEFANO 1 18 V 2 70 DIN s 3 600 ml min 4 2 2mm 1 8mm 1 5mm 5 81 1 dB A K 3 6 92 1 dB A K 3 7 2 5 m s2 DATI TECNICI 1 Tensione 2 Viscosità max ammessa 3 ...
