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– Valeport Ltd
Optical Sensor Test- SWiFT plus
In order to confirm the correct operation of the optical sensor in the SWiFT plus it is possible to
conduct an in-air test.
Open Valeport Ocean (Connect), ensure that the SWiFT is switched on and connect to it
using the supplied interface cable.
Program the SWiFT plus to operate in Continuous mode.
Un-check the 'Require GPS fix before logging flag' unless you want to record the data (see
Now check the following:
The LEDs on the endcap are lit (except the GPS indicator) and that light is being emitted
from the optical sensor window (if operating in the visible spectrum e.g. turbidity)
Never look directly into the optical aperture
Check that real time data is being shown on the Connect screen:
The sound Velocity reading will be zero in air
Pressure is atmospheric with the last Tare observation subtracted (requires a GPS fix).
In the example above a SWiFT SVPplus Turbidity unit is shown:
Turbidity 1 is the Nephelometer reading
Turbidity 2 is the optical back scatter reading
Place the supplied target in-front of the SWiFT as shown below; in the case of the Turbidity sensor
use a piece of white paper - no light is visible, look at the data in the right hand panel in Ocean.
Do not look into the optical sensor aperture.
In air test of Turbidity Sensor
In air test of Chlorophyll a Sensor
In air test with an appropriate 'target' in-front of the optical sensor
In air test with no 'target' in-front of the optical sensor