User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
100___________________________________________________________________ M210543EN-B
Message Missing
Does your terminal have the right settings?
- Change the baud rate, for example, to 9600 bps.
- Check that you have 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bits.
First give the
command (see section OPEN on page 56).
- Then give other commands to see if PWD22 is already in the
command mode.
Go to the site.
- Take the maintenance PC (terminal), tools, and the calibrator
set with you.
Is PWD22 powered?
- Open the PWC22 electronics enclosure cover and see, if the
Run and Signal/Offset LEDs are blinking.
If no LED is on:
- Check the power supply voltage.
- Check that all the connectors are properly inserted.
- Check the power cable and connections.
If the Run LED is blinking (once per second for correct
- Connect a maintenance terminal to the RS port.
- Check steps 1 and 2.
- Try resetting by turning the power off/on. If the
Run LED is lit:
- Try resetting as above.
- If the state is continues, it is probably caused by either the
program memory or CPU fault.