Operation 4
Instructions for use turboMAX plus, thermoCOMPACT
4 turboMAX plus
Green warmstart indicator (3) Illuminated = Warmstart
switched ON
Not illuminated = Warmstart is switched OFF and there
is no demand for hot water
Flashing = There is either a demand for hot water or
5 thermoCOMPACT
Green indicator (3) is illuminated but has no function
Initial checks before turning ON
Open the service valves
• Ensure the cold water service valve is open. This can
be checked by opening a hot water tap and ensuring
water flows.
• Ensure that the service valves in the heating flow and
return (2 and 1) and the gas service valve (3) are open.
The flow, return and gas service valves are open
when the line marking has the same direction as
the pipe.
• The pressure relief valve (4) is provided for safety rea-
sons and must not be interfered with.
A bottom cover is fitted to the appliance. The
service valves can be seen through the cover.
Fig. B.3: Opening service valves
picture shows a turboMAX plus boiler. Check the
water contents
• Check the water contents of the system on the pressu-
re gauge (1).
The needle on the pressure gauge should be within
the green band (between 1 and 1.5 bar). If the needle
displays a value below 0.8 bar when the appliance is
cold, follow the instructions left by your installer to
refill the system. Alternatively, your installer should be
called to refill the system.
Fig. B.4: Checking the water level
Domestic hot water operation
(turboMAX plus only)
The boiler should only be used when the heating
system contains water. Use of the boiler without
water may cause damage to the boiler or its
Setting the maximum domestic hot water temperature
• Turn the main switch (2) to the „l“ position.
• The display will show the boiler flow temperature which
indicates electrical power to the boiler.
• The domestic hot water temperature can be adjusted
using the hot water temperature control (3).
• Turn the control clockwise to increase the temperature
and anti-clockwise to decrease thetemperature.
As a guide for normal circumstances set the knob to the
one o´clock position.
This control adjusts the maximum domestic hot
water temperature. If adjusting the control
upwards appears to have no effect on the tem-
perature, then the boiler is already operating at
full output for the selected flow rate.
833690_24GB_012006.qxd 13.12.2005 12:27 Uhr Seite 5