Pressure testing of the plate pack in the openable heat exchanger should always be
carried out with the plate pack positioned in the shell and the bolts on the cover plate
tightened, in accordance with the instructions in this manual. When pneumatic leak or
pressure testing is being carried out, ensure that conditions are safe, given the possi-
bility that there could be a pressure discharge similar to an explosion should the heat
exchanger or testing equipment break.
Never apply pressure to the plate pack outside the shell.
2.5 Mounting Brackets
Vahterus standard brackets are only designed to bear the weight of the heat exchanger.
The design does not allow for specific requirements, such as stress and strain caused
by the piping, wind load or earthquakes.
3 Permitted Conditions for Operating
3.1 Design
Never exceed the design pressures and temperatures marked on the nameplate and
Technical Data sheet. Ambient temperatures must not be higher/lower than the design
temperature range.
Environmental load, load on connections caused by the piping, wind load and earth-
quakes are not taken into account in the design strength calculations, unless men-
tioned separately.
The pipework in the heat exchanger and the mounting brackets must not be loaded
down by external forces, unless mentioned separately in the strength calculations.
Corrosion allowance is indicated in the strength calculations: for carbon steel it is at
least 1 mm. Any greater corrosion allowance requirement must be stated when the
heat exchanger is ordered.
Fatigue: 500 full pressure cycles are allowed without separate calculations. If this num-
ber is exceeded, you should test the heat exchanger (pressure test and possible NDE
tests) with reference to local laws.
Please advise us of any possible risk of external fire.
Safety appliances should be specified/designed and acquired by the customer, since
they are not provided by Vahterus.