Quick-Connect USB Interface
Quick-Connect USB, Document Number 342-0653 Rev. B
Page 13 of 36
The internal web pages will allow control of the Quick-Connect USB and control of the attached camera via a
network connection. These web pages will allow the user or administrator to set security passwords, change the
IP address, view diagnostics, access the firmware upgrade page and more!
DHCP IP Set-up (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCP Set-up (skip this section if Static IP). If the LAN has a DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server, then the IP address,
gateway and routing information will automatically be assigned. The QC-USB software is defaulted to DHCP and will attempt to dynamically
obtain an IP address using DHCP, but it will fall back to the default address of ( if no DHCP server can be found.
Static IP Set-up:
The static IP can be assigned either through the network or directly to a computer using a cross-over cable. Depending on the age of the
computer, you may not need a cross-over cable. Either way the steps are the same for network or direct connection to a computer. The
default address of the QC-USB camera is and the Subnet mask is Different computer OS types all have their own
way of doing things (without question), but they are essentially doing the same stuff, changing the IP address so the web pages of the HD-
USB are accessible
Quick-Connect USB Web Pages Tour:
Screen Shot: Login
The QC-USB webserver is intended as a user’s camera control page at one level, and an administrator’s
management tool at another level, which requires password authentication for access.
The Login Page will appear if there is a user name assigned by the administrator. Assigning a user name can
limit access to the admin menus by a general user. By default, the User name is blank and the password for the
User account is: password. The Administrator can set the name and password for the User account. If no user
name is assigned, the web page will automatically open to the Camera Control page.
User name is blank
(assigned by admin)
Password is: password
Admin name is: admin
Password is: password