absolute position 71-72, 74
admin password 20, 23
AEC 7-9, 41
AGC (automatic gain control) 41
anatomy of the system 3-4
audio 4, 40-42, 64, 81-82
connections 4
controls 41-42
delay 42
muting 40, 64, 82
volume 81
volume controls 40
Audio page (web) 40-42
auto focus 36, 75
auto iris 34, 77-78
auto white balance 34-35, 77-78
backing up a configuration 57
backlight compensation 34-35, 77-78
bandwidth 47
behavior on power-up 12
bit rate (IP streaming setting) 47
blue gain 34-35, 77-78
browsers 13, 18
compatibility 13
HTTP and HTTPS access 18
security warnings 18
cable connectors 4, 7
calibration fault, correcting 87, 95
camera ID setting 55
camera mount 5-6
camera placement 5
camera select 64-65
camera specifications 91
camera standby position 67
capabilities 1, 91
CCU settings 31, 34-35, 76-78
adjusting 35
in the web interface 34
ceiling-mounted cameras 6
cheat sheet 21, 35, 64-65
color adjustment 35
lighting and image quality 35
remote control 64
web interface 21
chroma setting 34-35, 77-78
cleaning 96
color codes for status light 12, 94
color settings 34-35, 77-78
command history 90
compatibility, browsers 13
conferencing 43-44
configuration, saving or restoring 57
connecting the speaker 11
connection diagram 8-9
connectors 4
Constant Bit Rate (IP streaming setting) 47
Control Devices page (web) 50
Controls page (web) 66
custom home position 31
damage, preventing 2, 5, 7
default IP address 26
default settings, restoring 88, 96
detail setting 34-35, 77-78
DHCP vs. non-DHCP networks 17, 26
diagnosing issues 87, 92
diagnostic logs 63
Diagnostics page (web) 63
diagram, connection 8-9
DIP switches 55
directional controls 64-65, 68
dynamic range (audio) 41-42
echo cancellation 7-9, 41
equalizer 42
factory defaults, restoring 88, 96
fault isolation 87, 92
firmware update 59
firmware version 89
focus 36, 64-65, 75