background image

Security advice

This instruction manual contains important

and helpful hints which must be followed

for a safe and troublefree operation of the

extractor hood. Please keep the operating

and assembly instructions in a safe place

for reconsultation.

Designated use

The extractor hood should be used solely

for removing moisture and cooking odours

in the kitchen. Any other usage is considered

to be improper. An improper usage of the

extractor can endanger persons and items.

The extractor hood should not be used as a

clipboard for subjects like for example

bottles or spice cans.


The appliance should be connected only by

an authorized expert according to all rele-

vant regulations of the electricity supply

enterprises as well as the building

regulations of the countries. Please pay

attention to the assembly instructions!
Damaged units should not be used. Faulty

parts should be replaced by original ones.

Repairs should be carried out only by

authorized technical staff.

Risk of poisoning!

If the extractor hood with an integrated

supercharger for exhaust air management

(version B) is operated at the same time

with other heatproducing appliances

dependent on air room (e.g. run by wood,

gas, oil or coal) deadly combustion gases

can be led back into the room by an accruing

under pressure. Therefore please make

sure that at any time a sufficient supply air

flow is provided. The low pressure in the

room should not be greater than 4 Pa


Risk of fire!

The extractor hood should never be used

without a fat filter and should be operated

under ward. Overfated filters signify fire risk!

Deepfry under the extractor hood only under

constant ward! Please make sure that the

filters are cleaned regularly. „Flambé” under

the extractor hood is not permitted! Gas

devices may be used under the extractor

hood only with pots on! Please run the

extractor hood on level 2 or higher if you use

more than 3 gas cookeries at the same time.

Thereby a heat accumulation in the

appliance is avoided.

Risk of electric shock!

Please do not clean the extractor hood with

a steam cleaner or high water pressure.

Please separate the extractor hood from the

power supply network and pay attention to

the fact that no water seeps into the

appliance during the cleaning process.

CAUTION: Accessible parts may become

hot when used with cooking appliances.

Subject to technical modifications!

General functionality:

The extractor hood has been developed

especially for the extraction of cooking

vapours for use in the private home. The

arised cooking vapours are catched by the

extractor hood and absorbed by the metal

grease filters.
The metal filter has a 3D structure which

allows a suction of the cooking odours from

three sides: from below, sideways as well

as from above.
The metal grease filter is equipped with a

bayonet joint so that it can be easily taken

out for cleaning. The lighting is arranged in

form of a halogen lighting concentric in the

filter and illuminates the cooking zone

The extractor hood is produced of noble

materials like stainless steel, aluminium or


The power of extraction and the lighting are

operated by a switch lever. Lightemitting

diodes in the chimney provide information

about the operating condition of the extractor



Summary of Contents for Solo

Page 1: ...ZUG ZUG ZUG Solo de fr it en es nl pt sv no Bedienungsanleitung Mode d emploi Istruzioni per I uso Operating instructions Manual de istrucciones Bedieningshandleiding Manual de instru es Bruksanvisni...

Page 2: ...ce mode d emploi Sous r serve de modifications dans le cadre du progr s technique Veuillez tenir compte des conseils de s curit Cara cliente V ZUG caro cliente V ZUG Vi ringraziamo per aver scelto uno...

Page 3: ...ube darf nie ohne Fett filter und muss immer unter Aufsicht betrie ben werden berfettete Filter bedeuten Brandgefahr Frittieren Sie unter derAbzugs haube nur unter st ndiger Aufsicht Achten sie auf re...

Page 4: ...chtung EIN bzw AUS zu schalten den Stab nach rechts dr cken Durch l ngeres nach rechts dr cken wird die Beleuchtung dimmbar gemacht Anzeige Filterreinigung Nach 15 Betriebsstunden oder 14 t gig beginn...

Page 5: ...andgefahr erh ht sich Um einer Brandgefahr vorzubeugen den Metallfilter unbedingt regelm ig reini gen siehe Anzeige Fettfilterreinigung Sp testens im 14 t gigen Rhythmus die Fil ter reinigen Hierf r z...

Page 6: ...ntfernt werden Einbau des neuen Leuchtmittels in umge kehrter Reihenfolge St rungen Wenden Sie sich bitte sofort an unseren Kundendienst wenn die Dunstabzughaube undefinierbare Ger usche verursacht un...

Page 7: ...te Beseitigung von alten Haushalts ger ten Umwelthinweise Dieses Ger t ist entsprechend der europ ischen Richtlinie 2002 96 EG ber Elektro und Elektronikaltger te waste electrical and electronic equip...

Page 8: pr sents lors de son utilisation Des filtres engraiss s sont source d incendie Ne laissez jamais des fritures sous la hotte sans surveillance attentive Nettoyez r gulierement les filtres Ne faites...

Page 9: ...z 2 fois vers la gauche Niveau 3 puissance du moteur la plus forte appuyez 3 fois vers la gauche Niveau 4 niveau intensif le moteur passe au niveau 3 au bout de 3 min Appuyez 4 fois vers la gauche Tem...

Page 10: ...tous les 15 jours Prenez le filtre m tallique avec les deux mains et faites le tourner dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d une montre afin que l embo tement a baionnette se d fasse Vous ne pouvez...

Page 11: ...ntage d un nouvel clairage proc dez dans l ordre inverse Anomalies Contactez imm diatement le SAV si la hotte produit des bruits anormaux et si vous n avez rien constat de particulier apres avoir v ri...

Page 12: ...nnement Cet appareil est marque selon la directive europeenne 2002 96 EG relative aux appareils electriques e lectroniques usages waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE La directive delinit ie...

Page 13: ...e deve essere sempre tenuta sotto controllo Il filtro sporco di grasso pu causare un incendio Friggere sotto la cappa di aspirazione tenendola sempre sotto controllo Pulire regolarmente il filtro Non...

Page 14: ...istra per attivare il tempo di coda automatico 3 LED verdi si illumineranno nella colonna superiore e la lucetta sulla leva inizier a lampeggiare La cappa aspirante passer dalla velocit 3 alla 1 e con...

Page 15: ...rambe le mani e girarlo in senso antiorario cosi che l innesto a baionetta del filtro si allenti Ora il filtro metallico pu essere tirato verso il basso Per la pulizia ottimale del filtro metallico si...

Page 16: lampadina dal sostegno premendo la rondella b e portandola verso l alto Montare la nuova lampadina procedendo al contrario Problemi Rivolgersi al nostro servizio clienti quando la cappa emette suon...

Page 17: ...elettrodomestici obsoleti Respect de l environnement Cet appareil est marque selon la directive europeenne 2002 96 EG relative aux appareils electriques e lectroniques usages waste electrical and elec...

Page 18: ...and should be operated under ward Overfated filters signify fire risk Deepfry under the extractor hood only under constant ward Please make sure that the filters are cleaned regularly Flamb under the...

Page 19: Level 2 middle performance of the supercharger push to the left two times Level 3 high performance of the supercharger push to the left three times Level 4 intensive level supercharger switches bac...

Page 20: risk please clean the metal filter regularly see display filter cleaning The metal grease filter must be cleaned every 2 weeks at the latest For the removal of the metal grease filter please unsc...

Page 21: bulb a and separate it from the fixture Therefore the feather ring b must be crushed and be removed upwards The installation of the new lighting is made in reverse order Dysfunctions Please refer t...

Page 22: ...ble disposal of sorted out household appliances Enviromental Information This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2002 96 EG conceming used electrical and electronic appliances...

Page 23: ...Peligro de envenenamiento El uso simult neo de una campana extractora en funcionamiento de absorci n y fogones dependientes del aire p ej dispositivos para madera gas aceite o carb n en un ambiente pu...

Page 24: ...on materiales nobles y f ciles de limpiar como cristal o acero inoxidable La potencia de aspiraci n y la iluminaci n se conectan mediante un mando de palanca Para conocer el estado de funcionamiento d...

Page 25: o bien utilizar un producto de limpieza multiusos que est especialmente indicado para acero inoxidable aluminio as como cristal No utilizar nunca un producto abrasivo ni lana de acero Tras la limpi...

Page 26: ...r limpieza de los filtros met licos Cambio de bombillas Desconectar la campana de la corriente Las bombillas permanecen calientes durante un tiempo Esperar a que se enfr en antes de cambiarlas Para el...

Page 27: ...s materiales deben ser eliminados seg n la normativa vigente de protecci n del medio ambiente y las ordenanzas municipales correspondientes Campana Su municipio le informar sobre la normativa de prote...

Page 28: ...overzicht gebruikt wor den Filters die doorweekt zijn van vet kunnen een brand gevaar opleveren Frituren onder de wasemschouw kan alleen als u constant bij de apparaten aanwezig blijft om dit afzuigp...

Page 29: ...otor schakelt na 3 minuten automatisch terug naar stand 3 Pookje 3 maal naar links drukken Automatische naloop ventilatie De staaf 5 keer naar links drukken daarna wordt de automatische nalooptijd gea...

Page 30: ...t beste door deze in de vaatwasser te plaatsen en een lichte reinigingsmiddel te gebruiken Eventuele verkleuringen door het gebruik van agressieve reinigingsmiddelen worden door de producent niet onde...

Page 31: ...op grond van milieuvoorschriften en de plaatselijke voorschriften te verwijderen en aan te bieden bij uw gemeentelijke afval verwerking over het verwijderen van uw oude huishoudelijke apparatuur kan...

Page 32: ...4 0 04 3 2...

Page 33: ...1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 Licht Leistungsstufen LED LED Licht Leistungsstufe 4...

Page 34: ...1 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 3 3 1 15 15 14 5 14 65 C...

Page 35: ...a a 3 6 a b c...

Page 36: ...b 2002 96 EG 220 240 50 60 160 300 12 35 MR16...

Page 37: ......

Page 38: ...ntrada suficiente A subpress o no compartimento n o deve ser superior a 4 Pa 0 04mbar Perigo de inc ndio O exaustor nunca deve ser operado sem filtro de gordura e deve ser sempre operado sob vigil nci...

Page 39: ...2 pot ncia m dia do motor pressionar 2 vezes para a esquerda N vel 3 pot ncia elevada do motor pressionar 3 vezes para a esquerda N vel 4 n vel intensivo passados 3 min o motor liga de volta para o n...

Page 40: ...r o filtro de metal impreterivelmente de forma regular ver Indica o limpeza do filtro de gordura Limpar os filtros o mais tardar de 2 em 2 semanas Para isso colocar o filtro de metal em ambas as m os...

Page 41: ...ficha da l mpada a e separ la do suporte Para isso comprimir a anilha el stica b e retir la para cima Montagem do novo meio de ilumina o na ordem inversa Avarias Dirija se imediatamente ao nosso serv...

Page 42: Texten bilderna och uppgifterna motsvarar produktens tekniska utf rande vid tidpunkten f r tryckningen av den h r bruksanvisningen Vi f rbeh ller oss r tten att g ra ndringar som f rb ttrar produkt...

Page 43: ...erstiga 4 Pa 0 04 mbar Brandrisk Fl ktk pan f r aldrig anv ndas utan fettfilter och m ste alltid anv ndas under uppsikt verfettade filter utg r en brandrisk Fritering under fl ktk pan f r endast utf r...

Page 44: ...ningstid Om spaken trycks till v nster 5 g nger aktiveras den automatiska eftersl pningstiden Tre lysdioder i den vre trumman lyser gr nt och den lilla lampan i spaken blinkar Fl ktk pan s nker effekt...

Page 45: dag ska filtret r e n g r a s Lossa metallfiltret genom att ta tag i det med b da h nderna och vrida det moturs s att filtrets bajonettfattning lossar Nu kan metallfiltret tas ut ned t Metallfiltre...

Page 46: ...h avl gsnas upp t Montering av den nya lampan sker i motsatt ordningsf ljd sv St rningar V nd dig genast till v r kundtj nst om fl ktk pan f rorsakar oidentifierbara ljud och du inte kan hitta n gra f...

Page 47: ...v nlig tervinning av uttj nta hush llsapparater Milj information Denna produkt r m rkt enligt EU direktivet 2002 96 EG om avfall som utg rs av eller inneh ller elektriska eller elektroniska produkter...

Page 48: det optimalt og uten problemer Tekst bilder og data samsvarer med apparatets tekniske niv p tidspunktet for trykkingen av denne bruksanvisningen Vi tar forbehold for endringer foretatt for videreut...

Page 49: ...are Dampavtrekkshetten skal ikke brukes uten fettfilter og alltid under tilsyn Fettmettede filt re utgj r en brannfare Fritering skal bare skje under stadig tilsyn under avtrekkshetten Pass p at du re...

Page 50: ...l trinn 3 etter 3 min 4 Trykk en gang til venstre Automatisk retardasjonstid Trykk p staven 5 ganger til venstre og s aktiveres den automatiske retardasjonstiden 3 LED er p overt rnet lyser gr nt og l...

Page 51: Rengj r fil teret senest i en 14 dagers syklus For dette gripes s metallfilteret i begge hendene og skrus moturs slik at bajonettl singen til fil teret l sner Metallfilteret kan n tas av nedover Me...

Page 52: ...p o v e r Montering av et nytt lys foretas i omvendt rekkef lge Feil Vennligst henvend deg til v r kundetjeneste hvis dampavtrekkshetten gir fra seg udefinerbare lyder og du etter kontroll av luftled...

Page 53: ...pparater etter milj forskriftene Milj anvisninger Dette apparatet er merket i samsvar med direktiv 2002 96 EU om kasserte elektro og elektronikkapparater waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE...

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Page 56: ...V ZUGAG Industriestrasse 66 CH 6301 Zug vzug vzug ch www vzug com J439 010 3 Index 01 12 Artikel Nr 67201450...
