Download Catalog
Download Items from the Catalog
Download ringtones, applications, games, and more from the Catalog!
You’ll find that browsing the Catalog and purchasing items is easy and fun:
to go to the Jump screen. Scroll to highlight
, then press the trackball to open the application.
Wait while the latest Catalog contents load... then use the trackball to
scroll through the categories. The categories are organized like the
Jump screen in a “ring” on the left, with each category’s splash screen
on the right. Highlight, then press the trackball to open a category’s
Browse Items screen.
Individual items are grouped into folders. Highlight a folder then press
the trackball to open a folder’s items. Once you find an item you’re
interested in, highlight the item then press the trackball to open the
Item Details screen:
To listen to a brief sample of a ringtone or view sample screen shots of an
application or theme before you purchase it, select the Preview button.
to step through the simple on-screen purchase process.
Once purchased, your item will be downloaded to your device,
network connectivity permitting. You’ll be notified once the download
is complete. Note that applications require “installation”, an automatic
process that does involve a restart of your device.
If your item is not delivered immediately, you can check the download
process from the Downloads screen, described below.
52 Using the Applications