A UTC Fire & Security Company
Effective: March 2007
Gemini™ II Multi-Hazard
Conventional Suppression Control System
P/N 84-32200X-X0X
Agency Approvals
UL 864 Listed # S2422/S3743
ULC-S527-99 Listed # S2422/ULC CS1010
FM Approved # 3008679 (3010)
CSFM Approved # 7165-1076:160
MEA (NYC) Accepted # 140-02-E
Microprocessor Based
Conventional Control with Intelligence
Completely and Easily Field Programmable
Distributed Remote Hazard Control
Remote Display Units in Local or Global Mode
80-Character Alphanumeric LCD Display
270-Event History Log
Digital Release Countdown
Listed for a Wide Range of Suppression Systems
Kidde FM-200® , FE13™ , CO
& Halon Clean Agent
Suppression Systems
Kidde IND™ Dry Chemical & WHDR™ Wet
Chemical Systems
Sprinkler Supervisory, Deluge/Preaction &
Foam/Foam-Water Systems
The Kidde Gemini II Multi-Hazard is the technologically
most advanced Conventional Suppression (agent releas-
ing) Control System available to the suppression industry
today. Employing distributed intelligence architecture, the
Kidde Gemini II system enables highly reliable monitoring
and suppression control for up to eight separate hazards.
The system consists of a master Main Control Panel
(MCP) which is a microprocessor based, field-config-
urable single hazard panel with a plethora of intelligent
features including LCD Display, digital Release Count-
down, password protected Menu System, Event History
Log, Configuration Log, Walk Test and Remote Battery
Test capability. As shown in Figure 1, this basic system
can be field-expanded to be a large eight hazard Control/
Display System with up to seven Remote Hazard Units
(RHU) and sixteen Remote Display Units (RDU), all of
which reside on a fault tolerant communications network.
The MCP and each RHU is intended to be physically
located in the space it is meant to protect. Since the MCP
and RHUs are computer-controlled, each one can act in
stand-alone mode in the event of damage to any of the
other panels. Under worst case fault conditions the only
protection threatened is within the space where the dam-
age occurred. All other protected areas continue to func-
tion normally. System reliability is substantially improved
since wiring for each protected space is only run a short
distance to the local panel.
Featuring a compact and aesthetically pleasing design,
the Gemini II is ideally suited for modern commercial,
high-tech and industrial applications. It is approved for
Kidde FM-200
, FE-13™ and CO
Clean Agent Systems
as well as Kidde IND™ Dry Chemical & WHDR™ Wet
Chemical Systems. The Gemini II is also listed for Sprin-
kler Supervisory Service and for Halon, Foam/Foam-
Water and Deluge/Pre-Action Systems.
The MCP operates on 120/240 Vac 50/60 Hz Power Sup-
ply. The Power Supply Unit is rated 4 Amps at 24 Vdc
and is provided with a Battery Charger to charge a 24
Vdc backup battery with a capacity 12 to 66 AH. The bat-
tery may be sized for 24 hour standby with 5 minutes
alarm or for 90 hour standby with 10 minutes alarm,
depending on the suppression system. The Power Sup-
ply is supervised and causes an immediate changeover
to battery in the event of loss of AC input or drop in input