WH-BLE103 Hardware Manual
Shanghai wenheng electronic technology limited
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Figure 5 Switching circuit
This level switching circuit can support baud rate to 230400. If user adopts 460800 or above baud rate, user
needs to use high speed optocoupler or specialized level switch chip to establish level switching circuit.
2.4. nReset and nReload
nReset: Restart the module and take effect in inputting low level. nReset pin connects to internal 100K Ohm
pull-up resistor and also connects to 100nF earth capacitance. Press over 100us and release to restart the
nReload: nReload pin can connect to external button or configuration pin. Press 3-10 seconds to reset to default
settings. nReload pin connects to internal 10K Ohm pull-up resistor.
Circuit diagram as follows:
Figure 6 nReset and nReload circuit
Because module has internal pull-up resistor and earth capacitance. R29 and C21 in nReset circuit can
choose not to weld which are same as R16 in nReload circuit.