USR-W610 User Manual
Technical Support:
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited
Figure 15 Modbus TCP<=>Modbus RTU mode
3.1.5.AT command mode
User can enter AT command mode and send AT commands by serial to query/set W610 parameters(Enter AT
command mode will disable transparent transmission mode and make serial port to send/receive AT
commands). In this mode, all settings will be saved automatically and module will enter transparent
transmission mode after sending AT+ENTM to exit AT command mode.
3.2.Serial port
3.2.1.Serial port basic parameters
Baud Rate
300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, 230400, 345600, 460800
Data Bits
5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits
1, 2
Parity Bits
None, Odd, Even
Flow Control
NFC: No flow control
FC: Hardware flow control
Figure 16 Serial port basic parameters
3.2.2.Serial Free-Frame mode
W610 will continually check the interval between two adjacent bytes when W610 receives the data from serial
side. If this interval > serial Free-Frame triggering time(Default is 50ms and user can use AT commend to
configure triggering time), it will be considered as end of a package and W610 will send received data as a TCP
package data to network. Otherwise W610 will receive data to 4K bytes and send these 4K bytes as a TCP
package data to network.
Suppose n ms is serial package triggering time, if T1>n, T2<n, T3<n, T4<n, T5<n, T6>n, Byte1-Byte5 will be a
Figure 17 Serial Free-Frame mode
3.2.3.Serial package method
W610 supports serial package method(include Time Trigger Mode and Length Trigger Mode) and W610 will
send received data as TCP package data to network if serial data arrive triggering time or triggering length.