To Perform a Test:
Select correct program for package to be tested from. See “Pre-programmed Tests”
later in this section.
Insert package into cavity, ensuring the pack is central and is not hanging over the
cavity. Ensure pack is not folded. See Figure 12.
Figure 12: Package Testing: Insert package
Close lid and press either of the
green start
buttons (either from Optima vT
screen or control box). If lid needs adjusting, please see “Lid Adjustment” later
in this section. See Figure 13.
Figure 13: Package Testing: Lid Closed
The test will continue through the exhaust phase. If both packs pass, the green pass
light illuminates on both sides. If only one pack passes, the green light associated
with the side which passed illuminates. Similarly, if both packs fail, the red reject
light illuminates on both sides. If only one pack fails, the red light associated with the
side which failed illuminates. See Figure 14.