Design Change Notice for USA Spec PA11-CHR
In order to improve the handling of Audiobook and to support streaming music downloads
on iPhone or iTouch, the Hybrid Mode has been deleted and design changes are also
implemented to Playlist Mode and Direct Mode.
Playing iPod with revised Playlist Mode and Direct Mode as follow:
In case of configuration A: (in Playlist Mode with RCA AUX OFF or Disabled)
1. When iPod is connected to interface MODE or CD button on radio is pressed:
IPod will begin play at DISC #5
iPod screen will show "OK to Disconnect" or "Accessory is attached"
iPod will continue to play tracks in
the Folder which was played prior to
connecting the iPod to the interface.
As soon as the last track of
the Folder is played, iPod will go to the first track in
All songs folder.
2. When returning to DISC #5 from a Playlist (i.e. any DISC among DISC #1 to DISC #4), DISC
#5 will continue play the track where it was left but points to All Songs Folder regardless
which Folder or Playlist was played at DISC #5 previously.
3. When DIRECT control from IPod is desired, select DISC #6 on radio. IPod's screen and click
wheel will be unlocked. Switch folder or playlist as you would in portable use of IPod.
Application Tip: Use DISC #6, iPod Direct to listen the stream music downloads
from iPhone or iTouch (Wi -Fi)
Song title display on radio is not supported.
When return to DISC #5 (All songs) from DISC #6 (iPod Direct), DISC #5 will
continue play the track and folder of iPod being played' at DISC #6 until the last
track of
the Folder is completed.
4. If iPod has more than 4 Playlists created with iTunes, please refer to Playlist Naming
section of interface manual.
5. Use DISC up and DISC down knob on radio to change disc or playlist.
In case of configuration B: (in Playlist Mode with RCA AUX ON or Enabled)
When iPod is connected to interface and MODE or CD button on radio is pressed:
iPod will begin play at DISC #4
iPod screen will show "OK to Disconnect" or' Accessory is attached"
iPod will continue to play songs in
the Folder which was played prior to iPod being
connected to interface adaptor
As soon as the last track of
the Folder is played, iPod will go to the first track in All
Songs folder.
2. When return to DISC #4 from a Playlist (i.e. any Disc among DISC #1 to DISC #4), DISC #4
will continue play the track where it was left but points to All Songs folder regardless which
Folder or Playlist was played at DISC #4 previously.
3 When DIRECT control from IPod is desired, select DISC #5 on radio. IPod's screen and click
wheel will be unlocked and switch song or playlist as you would in portable use of IPod.
Application Tip: Use DISC #5 iPod Direct to listen the stream music downloads
from iPhone or ITouch (Wi - Fi).
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