US Shift Transmission Control System
On-Board Diagnostic and Tuning Interface Operation Guide
Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC.
(864) 646-8920
Address: 207 Mistr Lane, Pickens, SC 29671
This work and the ideas and processes contained herein are the exclusive property
Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC
and may not be copied, reproduced, or
distributed in any form without the express written consent of
Baumann Electronic
Controls, LLC
or Karl Baumann. The technology and processes contained in this
product are proprietary and may be used only on a single unit basis or as defined by
the written permission of
Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC
vF4.0.1 © Copyright 1997 - 2017 by Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC. is dedicated to producing the highest
quality products available in the industry and is committed to customer
satisfaction. Because we have no control over the circumstances under which
our products are used, we can assume no more responsibility for damages
(consequential or otherwise) or defects in materials and workmanship than the
original purchase price of our product. Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC. will
repair or replace all defective components unconditionally for a period of five
years from the date of sale. This warranty does not cover damages due to
abuse, improper application, or connection of the device. After the warranty
period, Baumann Electronic Controls, LLC. will service this device for a
nominal fee.