Airbrush Tips & Tricks:
Mixing Colors:
It’s easy and fun to create your own awesome colors, as few drops of
blue mixed with a few drops of yellow will give you a nice green and a
little bit of red and yellow makes orange. Create your desired colors by
mixing them in a small container or by mixing them directly into the
airbrush cup.
If mixing colors straight into the airbrush cup, you can use back bubbling
to mix the colors by holding your finger over the front air cap of the
while pulling the trigger, so it bubbles inside the cup to mix the
colors together.
Coloring Concepts and Even Tones:
The lightest colors should always go on first. It's best to spray multiple
light layers to achieve even full coverage and to darken colors.
Remember that less is best, as you can always add more color to a cake,
but you can rarely take the color away. The more color layers, the
darker and more opaque the color looks.
To produce consistent even color tones, airbrush using the medium to
high air pressure with the airbrush 6” to 8” away from the surface.
Overlap your airbrush strokes as you move up the surface to build an
even color tone.
Gradients, Blending and Shading Colors:
To create smooth gradients reduce the trigger pull as you move up a
surface while spraying. Increasing the spraying distance will work too,
but the gradient won’t look as smooth.
Color blending and gradients can also be created by layering one color
over another.
It's best to spray multiple light layers to achieve even full coverage and
to darken colors.
You’ll soon be able to create beautiful daytime scenes with blue skies,
clouds and the sun, after a little shading and blending practice.
Add Accents, Fine Lines, Details and Script:
Write messages like "Happy Birthday" and "Congratulations". Add
accent details to cakes, cupcakes and cookies like dots, lines and swirls.
When you want to produce sharp and defined lines hold the airbrush
nozzle at a 90° angle and keep the compressor set to low air flow setting
as minimal pressure is needed. Also keep your spraying distance close to
the surface, so the pattern size is small, and then just barely pull back on
the trigger so you only release a low flow of coloring.